Reading and commitment
Vol. 1
William Sterner
Algebraic conditions for definition
Jeffrey Buechner
On the genetic roots of perceptual typicality
Osborne P Wiggins
Social movements, revolution and democracy
Vol. 10/2
Alain Touraine
Ontological grounding of a political ethics
Vol. 10/1
Hans Jonas
The principle of reason
Jacques Derrida
Toward a new economic style in our society?
Bertram Schefold
In search of a civic union
Manfred Riedel
Schelling: an introduction to the system of freedom and absolute knowledge: Hegel and the problem of metaphysics, by Alan White
Robert Berman
The concept of being as production
Michel Henry
Dialectics, difference, and weak thought
Gianni Vattimo
Beyond dialectical thinking
Remo Bodei
On Hegel's logic: fragments of a commentary, by John Burbidge
Alan White
Reflections on a non-metaphysical ethics
Werner Marx
Crossroads in the labyrinth, by Cornelius Castoriadis
Bernard Flynn
Person and law in Kant and Hegel
Ludwig Siep
On rereading the categorical imperative
William W. Clohesy
Human rights: essays on justifications and applications, by Alan Gewirth
Adamantia Pollis
Plato's sophist: the drama of original and image, by Stanley Rosen
Seth Benardete
Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological ethics
The idea of language
Giorgio Agamben
Deconstruction is not enough
Reiner Schürmann
The being of the beautiful
Stanley Rosen
The difference of the Italian philosophical culture
Mario Perniola
Philosophy and the perfect tense
Michael Davis
Remarks on the ontology of "right" and "left"
Robert Spaemann
The Italian difference and the politics of culture
Hayden White
Neither consciousness, nor matter, but living bodily activity
Pierre Adler
The metaphysical foundations of logic
Vol. 11/1
Leo Bostar
The semiosis of metaphysics
James Liszka
The socialization of human action
Vincen Descombes
The origins of the doctrine of the analogy of being
Pierre Aubenque
The dichotomy life/literature and its suspensions in historical time
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Vol. 11/2
Martin Sitte
Metaphysics for lovers
José A. Benardete
Basil the great and the choice of Hercules
Ernest L. Fortin
Kennington's Descartes and Eddington's "Two tables"
Joseph Gonda
Presence and memory
Véronique Fóti
"The first times" in Rousseau's Essay on the origin of languages
Victor Gourevitch
The origin and the evolution of the epochē
Pierre Couissin
On interpreting Plato's Charmides
Rethinking the social and the political
Richard Bernstein
On Descartes' constitution of metaphysics
Jean-Luc Marion
Aristotle's reflections on revolution
Isidore of Seville versus Aristotle in the questions on human law and right in the Summa theologiae of Thomas Aquinas
Thomas M. Seebohm
Kant on the primacy and the limits of logic
Richard Velkley
Delineating the ideologies of science
Vol. 12/1-2
Jacques Ellul
Behind the mirror
Gérard Simon
Three cartesian epistemologies
Emily Grosholz
Coping with science
Gernot Böhme
The geometrical treatment of central forces in Newton's Principia
François de Gandt
An end to progress?
Marx and the innocence of science
André Tosel
Hegel and the formalization of logic
David Rapport Lachterman
Newton's critique of cartesian method
Charles Larmore
Solipsism in Kant's practical philosophy and the discourse ethics
Vol. 13/2
Wolfgang Kuhlmann
The emergence and original meaning of the name "metaphysics"
Hans Reiner
System and training in Descartes' meditations
Vol. 13/1
Michelle Beyssade
Descartes on the freedom of the will
Jean-Marie Beyssade
Freedom and happiness in Kant's political philosophy
Agnes Heller
Postmodernist elitism and postmodern struggles
Lawrence Grossberg
Platonism and anti-Platonism in Nicholas of Cusa's philosophy of mathematics
Vittorio Hösle
The greatness and limits of Kant's practical philosophy
Kant and the claims of knowledge, by Paul Guyer
Wayne Waxman
On Plato's philosophy of numbers and its mathematical and philosophical significance
The faculty of desire
Logic and the objectivity of knowledge: a study of Husserl's early philosophy, by Dallas Willard
The invention of culture and symbols that stand for themselves, by Roy Wagner
John Humphrey
Tragic differing
Ronna Burger
Non-in-difference in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas and Franz Rosenzweig
Richard Cohen
Actuality in Hegel's logic
Béatrice Longuenesse
The wake of imagination. Toward a postmodern culture, by Richard Kearny
Aristotle's definition of motion and its ontological implications
Rémi Brague
Metamorphosis of the undecidable
Dominique Janicaud
On the alleged impossibility of a science of accidents in Aristotle
Alban Urbanas
On Heidegger and national socialism
Vol. 14/1
Tom Rockmore
The time of the political
Peg Birmingham
Habermas and Arendt on the philosopher's "error"
Robert Bernasconi
Heidegger's apology
Theodore Kisiel
Telling tales
Paul Davies
Heidegger's Kampf the difficulty of life
John D Caputo
Heidegger's rector's address
Charles E Scott
Changing the subject
Dennis J. Schmidt
Between necessity and superabundance
Bernhard Waldenfels
Preface and acknowledgments
John Rosenthal
The ambivalent unthought of the overman and the duality of Heidegger's political thinking
Michel Haar
From historical Marxisms to historical materialism
Rastko Močnik
Failure of a renaissance (why it is impossible to remain a Marxist in East Central Europe)
György Mihály Vajda
Ultimate double binds
The divided machine
Maria Turchetto
From class struggle to struggle without classes?
Etienne Balibar
The subject of hermeneutics and the hermeneutics of the subject
William Richardson
Prolegomena to an understanding of Heidegger's turn
Jean Grondin
On some unsettled questions touching the character of Marxism, especially as philosophy
Wal Suchting
David Farrell Krell
Action or/and dwelling
Heribert Boeder
Seven types of obloquy
Norman Geras
Reconstructing the political
But suppose we were to take the Rectorial address seriously...
Christopher Fynsk
Domination and moral struggle
Axel Honneth
Thoughts on the future of Marxism
Andrew Levine
William McNeill
On the relationship of Alcibiades' speech to the other speeches in Plato's Symposium
Vol. 15/2
Friedrich Nietzsche
The ascetic ideal's twilight
Nietzsche's Socrates
Sarah Kofman
The "wondrous double nature" of philosophy
On Nietzsche's "we good, beautiful, happy ones!"
Black stars
Alphonso Lingis
Ecce mulier?
Luce Irigaray
Nietzsche Hölderlin Empedocles
Nietzsche, deconstruction, and the truth of history
Kevin Newmark
I or he or it (the thing) which thinks
Vol. 16/1
Slavoj Žižek
The God of Abraham and the God of the philosophers
Bettina Bergo
Political philosophy at the closure of metaphysics, by Bernard Flynn
Technology in the age of automata
Péter Várdy
Lógica, lecciones de M. Heidegger
Eduardo Mendieta
Time and change in Kant and McTaggart
The beautiful and the good according to Kant
Bernard Bourgeois
Perhaps—a modality?
Rodolphe Gasché
The problem of Leo Strauss
Volker Reinecke, Jonathan Uhlaner
Heidegger: The twofold beginning of thinking
On the mathematization of life
Louk Fleischhacker
Of the sublime
Joel Shapiro
Observing re-entries
Niklas Luhmann
Mead and Merleau-Ponty: toward a common Vision, ed. by Sandra Rosenthal and Patrick Bourgeois
Eduardo Mendietta
Nietzsche on truth and philosophy, by Maudemarie Clark
Wayne Klein
Quodlibetal questions, William of Ockham, trans, by Alfred Freddoso and Francis Kelley
Rick Lee
The transformation of the Kantian question in Lukács' Heidelberg philosophy of art
Ferenc Fehér
Kant's model of the mind, by Wayne Waxman
Dirk Effertz
Texts and dialogues: Merleau-Ponty, ed. by Hugh Silverman and James Barry
Unmodern observations
The conclusion of the Critique of pure reason
Humanism and the limits of rationality
Prolegomena to phenomenology
Kategoriendeduktion und produktive Einbildungskraft in der theoretischen Philosophie Kants und Fichtes
Sven Jürgensen
The privilege of presence
The theory of odd and even in the ninth book ofEuclid's elements
Oskar Becker
Reflection in Kant's aesthetics
Jean-François Lyotard
Theurgie und philosophie in Jamblichs "de Mysteriis"
Thomas Stäcker
Commentateurs d'Aristote au Moyen-Age latin
Truth and justice in Anselm Of Canterbury
Vol. 17/1-2
Ubaldo R. Pérez-Paoli
The cause of phenomenology
On the dialectics of metamathematics
Ethics of geometry and genealogy of modernity
Marc Richir
Pragmatic paradoxes
François Récanati
Foundational issues of objective idealism
Lived experience and knowledge in Schlick
Arne Homann
Werner Beierwaltes
The scholar's hood
Torah and logos
Speculation and the metaphysics of history
Carl Page
Maimonidean aspects in Spinoza's thought
Idit Dobbs-Weinstein
The unity of the Protagoras
Claus-Artur Scheier
Was Aristotle a communitarian?
Christof Rapp
Erotic ascent
Is totalizing thinking totalitarian?
The unity of time in Aristotle
Johannes Fritsche
Bibliography of David Rapport Lachterman
The philosopher as enemy
Heinrich Meier
The ancient commentators on Aristotle I
Aaron V. Garrett
Sartre's gaze returned
Vol. 18/2
Zur Anwendung der Diskursethik in Politik, Recht und Wissenschaft
Vol. 18/1
On Hume's theory of consciousness
Fred Wilson
Language and the etymological turn of thought
Frank Schalow
The problematic status of cosmology
Negativity and ethics
Thomas Rentsch
Spinoza's anti-modernity
Antonio Negri
On Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, A thousand plateaus
On freedom
Günter Figal
Reflections on the banality of (radical) evil
Henry Allison
Natural versus transcendental philosophy
Pierre Kerszberg
The first crisis in first philosophy
Truth, knowledge, and reality
Cristina Lafont
Kant's system of freedom and the priority of practical Reason
Richard McDonough
On brinks and bridges in Heidegger
Anthropology, dialectic and atheism in Kojève's thought
Hugh Gillis
The rationality of human communication
Karl-Otto Apel
Luc Ferry's political philosophy
Miguel Vatter
Animal minds and human morals
Arthur Madigan
On race and philosophy
Lucius Outlaw
Vita della mente e tempo della polis
Emancipation, resistance and cosmopolitanism
Rafael del Aguila
Kant's productive imagination and its alleged antecedents
Alfredo Ferrarin
Before Nietzsche
Stephen Wagner Cho
Kant and the imposition of time and space
Vol. 19
The ontology of production in Marx
Nietzsche's philosophy of science
Joy in dying
The relation between life, conatus, and virtue in Spinoza's philosophy
Sylvain Zac
Callicles' examples of ϙὄπρζ ς ζ ιὔωηθζ in Plato's Gorgias
Alessandra Fussi
The Cambridge companion to Nietzsche
Roger D. Hodge
Powers of desire
René Schérer
Dominique Janicaud's Powers of the rational
Hegel's organic account of mind and critique of cognitive science
Charles Wolfe
Untameable singularity
Vol. 19-20
Gérard Granel
Eckhart's anachorism
Parmenides and the battle of Stalingrad
The intellectual background of Reiner Schürmann's Heidegger interpretation
Martin Heidegger's "Logical investigations"
Jean-François Courtine
Canonizing measures
History of the lie
How to read Heidegger
Symbolic difference
The place of Nietzsche in Reiner Schürmann's thought and in his reading of Heidegger
Symbolic praxis
Reiner Schürmann's report of his visit to Martin Heidegger
Genus and τὸ τί ἦν εἶναι (essence) in Aristotle and Socrates
Hans Jonas's Mortality and morality
Taking exception to liberalism
Back to a monstrous site
Platonism at the limit of metaphysics
John Sallis
Cosmological mysticism
Phenomenon and infinity
Vol. 20/21/2-1
Emmanuel Levinas: ethics as primary meaning
Stéphane Mosès
On suffering
Pierre Trotignon
Derrida, Levinas, and the lives of philosophy at the death of philosophy
Robert Manning
Practical necessity
The non-identity of time
Ludwig Wenzler
On obligation
Hent De Vries
Excess: toward the outside, or humanity
Gérard Bailhache
The temporality of saying
Tina Chanter
The anarchy of the spectacle
Travis Anderson
Cultural significations and ethical sense
Francis Guibal
The uncanny origin of ethics
James Faulconer
Death in its negativity
Jacques Rolland
The alterity of the other
Pierre-Jean Labarrière
Outside the subject
Alfred Tauber
Levinas and the "logic" of solidarity
Merold Westphal
Height and the sublime
François Marty
A note concerning the ontological indifference
s. rosen, Plato's statesman
Jacob Howland
Secularization and hunger
Emmanuel Levinas
To love God for nothing
To think utopia otherwise
Miguel Abensour
The messianic utopia
Catherine Chalier
The posteriority of the anterior
Fabio Ciaramelli
Ethics and ontology
Jean Greisch
Of substitution that is not usurpation
Jan De Greef
Diderot and the medicine of the mind
Vol. 22/1
Roselyne Rey
Mana and logos
Vol. 22/2
Richard Lee
Descartes, reader of Harvey
Annie Bitbol-Hespériès
Is consciousness a brain process?
Didier Gil
The emergent materialism in French clinical brain research (1820-1850)
Alexandre Métraux
Philosophy and human Perfection in the cartesian renaissance and its modern oblivion
Nicolas de Warren
Old maps, crystal spheres, and the cartesian circle
Brendan Larvor
Critique and totality
Stefanie Rocknak
Oikoumene, ouranos, ousia, and the outside
Emilie F. Kutash
Alma venus
François Dagognet
On the standard aversion to the agrapha dogmata
Thomas Alexander Szlezák
The uncertain materialism of Louis Althusser
Jean-Claude Bourdin
The labyrinth and the library
Daniel J. Selcer
The mental chemistry of speculative philosophy
Truth and singularity
Christopher Adamo
The encyclopedia of phenomenology
Edward B. Rackley
Ethics and epistemology in Sextus Empiricus
Morgan Meis
Phenomenology in Kant's idealism
Critique and deconstruction
Christoph Menke
The essence of dissidence
Aviezer Tucker, Marian Kiss, Sarka Mokra, Ondrej Stefek, Martina Vyrkova, Vera Zatopkova
Hobbesian specters, human nature, and the passions in the Scottish enlightenment
Adelino Zanini
Beyond positive and negative liberty
Shawn D. Kaplan
La Mettrie, machines, and the denial of liberty
Ann Thomson
Brute matter and organic matter in Buffon
Amor Cherni
From matter to materiality according to Canguilhem
Guillaume le Blanc
Idealism and corporeity
Daniel Dahlstrom
The life principle and the doctrine of living being in Diderot
Annie Ibrahim
Being and action in the thought of Ralph Cudworth
Yves Charles Zarka
Medical vitalism and philosophical materialism in the eighteenth-century debate on monsters
Aurélie Suratteau-Iberraken
Reconstructive social critique with a genealogical reservation
The fake as joke, sabotage, business, and paradigm
Vol. 23/1
Heidegger, language, and world-disclosure
Vol. 23/2
Steven Levine
Emidio Spinelli
Foundations of Hegel's social theory
On Dan Zahavi's self-awareness and alterity
James Dodd
Wissenschaft as personal experience
A review of Robert Hahn's Anaximander and the architects
Closer to the bitter end (interview)
Rousseau and Kant
Klaus Reich
Hans Jonas' philosophical biology
Gereon Wolters
Kant's theory of taste
John McGuire
A meditation on Hans Jonas' "The abyss of the will: philosophical meditations on the seventh chapter of paul's epistle to the romans"
David Taffel
Merleau-Ponty's later works and their practical implications
Monism and dualism in Plato's doctrine of principles
Jens Halfwassen
In the name of humanity
The iconic logic of Peirce's graphs
Edward Butler
On Dennett
Reading neoplatonism
The necessary incompleteness of the republic
Pierre-François Moreau
Reconsidering responsibility
Dmitri Nikulin
Upheavals of thought
Sharin Elkholy
On Walter Benjamin's arcades project
Roy Brand, Morgan Meis
Jewish philosophies after Heidegger
Lawrence Vogel
Appreciating the phenomenon of life
Leon R. Kass
Philosophy, evolutionary biology, and ethics
Strachan Donnelley
Is physics interesting?
Claudia Baracchi's of myth, life and war in Plato's republic
Drew A. Hyland
Notion and reality
Michael Theunissen
Technology, medicine and ethics in Hans Jonas
Paolo Becchi
On the philosophical significance of transference
Vol. 24/1
Moran Svorai
Technology, subjectivity, and the social bond
Vol. 24/2
Sara Beardsworth
Craig Perfect
The multitude and the principle of individuation
Paolo Virno
The collapse of the fact/value distinction and other essays
Alexei Angelides
Kripke's Hume
Rupert Read
Love, perfection, and power in Spinoza
Saverio Ansaldi
Spinoza's debt to Gersonides
Julie R. Klein
Merleau-Ponty's reading of Husserl
Living in agreement
Against adaptation
Competition and conformity
Marx after Marxism
Nectarios G. Limnatis
Paracelsus (1493-1541)
Alexandre Koyré
German philosophy 1760-1860
Imagination and Hobbes
Heterogeneous disciplines
Monique David-Ménard
"I come upon this world"
Ludmila Selemeneva
Noumenal will in Kant's theory of action
Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
The creation of the modern world
Hegel's transcendental induction
Jackob Pyetranker
On Plato's Statesman
Ben Grazzini
Crisis, history, and Husserl's phenomenological project of desedimenting the formalization of meaning
Burt C. Hopkins
Zombies begone!
Wallace Matson
Sellars vs. Chisholm on thinking, introspection, and language
Vol. 25/1
John Noras
Marion and phenomenology
Plato and zero
Vol. 25/2
Peter Pesic
Geometry and mechanics in the preface to Newton's principia
Niccolò Guicciardini
Dynamic boundaries
Nathan Andersen
Practical certainty
Louis Althusser, or, the impure purity of the concept
François Matheron
Seconding second nature
Philosophy first, last and counting
Joshua Kates
One good
Claudia Baracchi
Viète, Descartes, and the emergence of modern mathematics
Danielle Macbeth
Intuitionistic remarks on Husserl's analysis of finite number in the philosophy of arithmetic
Mark Van Atten
Gödel's modernism
Juliette Kennedy, Mark Van Atten
Wittgenstein on philosophy of logic and mathematics
Juliet Floyd
The politics of human rights
Spiros Tegos
Jacob Klein on François Vieta's establishment of algebra as the general analytical art
"The thirties are still before us"
The structure of material substance
Vol. 26/2
Anneliese Maier
Zabarella, prime matter, and the theory of regressus
James B. South
A form of self-transcendence of philosophical dialogues in Cicero and Plato and its significance for philology
Vol. 26/1
Material difficulties
Christia Mercer
Mikhail Bakhtin and the dialogic word in literary art
Caryl Emerson
Daniel Sennert's slow conversion from hylemorphism to atomism
Christoph Lüthy
Form in Aristotle
Francisco J. Gonzalez
Aristotle and Descartes in Spinoza's approach to matter and body
Praxis und logos bei Aristoteles
Josh Hayes
Moral autonomy and the autonomy of morality
Rainer Forst
Interpretive democracy
Georgia Warnke
The death of art
Thomas Tam
Who bears the right to die
Drucilla Cornell
Kierkegaard's relations to Hegel reconsidered
Daniel Greenspan
Four seminars
Daniel Morris
Dialogue versus discourse
The science of the struggle for existence
Sam Cocks
Phenomenon and event
The philosophical importance of the dialogue form for Plato
Charles H. Kahn
Through a glass darkly
Mark Larrimore
Why matter?
Rose Cherubin
Questioning Platonism
Christopher Roberts
Materialism as metaphysics?
Preliminary adieu for Jacques Derrida
"To bear the momentarily incomplete"
Vol. 27/2
Richard Eldridge
Imitation and society
Vol. 27/1
Gabriel Gottlieb
Violence, non-violence
Judith Butler
Herder, Sturm und Drang, and "expressivism"
John H. Zammito
The apocalypse of hope
Expressivism and aesthetics
Rachel Zuckert
The aesthetic and hermeneutic significance of expression
Rudolf Makkreel
In praise of classical democracy
George McCarthy
Language and immanence in Hamann
Katie Terezakis
The ambiguities of action
Benjamin C. Sax
Theories of judgment
Anstein Gregersen
Spirit and life
Van Cleve and Putnam on Kant's view of secondary qualities
Renée Smith
Art as self-origination in Winckelmann and Hegel
Donovan Miyasaki
Platonism and empiricism
Arbogast Schmitt
The promise of politics
Rocío Zambrana
Schiller as philosopher
Wenning Wenning
Kant's politics
Shehab Ismail
Gilles Deleuze
Ella Brians
Crisis and reflection
David Carr
Adorno and the political
Vittorio Morfino
Expression in Schelling's early philosophy
Inferentialism in Brandom and holism in Hegel
Sympathy, disenchantment, and authority
Vol. 28/1
Michael Bray
Vol. 28/2
James Griffith
Hannah Arendt and the liberal tradition
Geraldine Muhlmann
Lockean mechanism and the principle of identity
Cedric Brun
Key writings
Elena Tzelepis
"Everyone is welcome"
Susannah Young-Ah Gottlieb
The management of state violence
Johanna Oksala
The injustice of justice
The Hegelian foundations of Marx's method, vol. 1 of divergent paths
Jonathan Pickle
The social question, again
Kirstie M. McClure
Luce Irigaray and the philosophy of sexual difference
On dialogue
"Tumultuous combinations"
Warren Montag
The inhuman condition
Second thoughts, new beginnings
Roy T. Tsao
Heidegger and Aristotle
Daniel B. Gallagher
The new pragmatists
The "autonomy of the political" reconsidered
Dana Villa
Heidegger on correspondence and correctness
Taylor Carman
Knowing the occasion
Thomas Berns
The daughters of Metis
Christopher P. Long
Kant and the power of imagination
Art and "the sublime truth"
Béla Bacsó
Practical truth and the intellectual virtues
Vol. 29/1
Alejandro G. Vigo
The science without a name
Vol. 29/2
Heidegger's theory of boredom
Espen Hammer
Aristotle's ethics as first philosophy
Eric C. Sanday
Pleasure in Aristotle's ethics
Erick Raphael Jiménez
The verge of philosophy
Karen Ng
Richard Rorty, cynic
Richard Rorty's deep humanism
Domination revisited
Luc Boltanski
Nolen Gertz
The responsibility of thinking in dark times
Aristotle's de Anima
Benjamin J. Grazzini
Objectivity in the feminist philosophy of science
Marianne LeNabat
Toward a politics of the universal
"The world by chance"
Vitiorio Morfino
Intersubjectivity and the "space of reasons"
Peter Dews
The duplicity of beginning
Tragedy and singularity
History and memory in Hegel's phenomenology
Angelica Nuzzo
Husserl, Jacob Klein, and symbolic nature
Joseph Cosgrove
And what if I choose "C"?
Kant on beauty and biology
Dilek Huseyinzadegan
The philosophy of Edmund Husserl
Walter Hopp
The irony of Heidegger
Martin Heidegger's Being and time
Tim Hyde
Husserl's theory of meaning and ordinary language
Vol. 3
Lewis Hassell
Hume's conception of infinitude and some problems of space and time
John P. Chatfield
Habermas' theory of truth and its centrality in his critical project
Laurence Winters
Metaphor and the central problem of hermeneutics
Paul Ricoeur
The tragic foundation of Aristotelian ethics
Vol. 30/2
Sean D. Kirkland
Basic concepts of Aristotelian philosophy
The life, work, and legacy of Trần Đức Thảo
Introductory note
Vol. 30/1
Space and the body image in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the flesh
Emmanuel De Saint Aubert
Truth and resistance
Ted Toadvine
Nature and its supplements in Merleau-Ponty's Collège de France la Nature lecture course
Michael Gendre
Three objections to Levinas' philosophy
Merleau-Ponty and Lévi-Strauss as critics of Sartre
The institution of a feeling
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Reconsidering the subject
Pierre Kerszberg, Erick Raphael Jiménez, Robin M. Muller
Existentialism and dialectical materialism
Dức Thảo Trần
From phenomenology to the materialist dialectic of consciousness
Marxism and phenomenology
On the hardness of the ethical must
Zed Adams
The sensible ideas between life and philosophy
Mauro Carbone, Robin M. Muller
The origins of the phenomenological reduction in Husserl
Ethics as part of human natural history
Alice Crary
Merleau-Ponty and the quarrel over the conceptual contents of perception
Étienne Bimbenet
The red and the real
Jason R. Fisette
Merleau-Ponty, Whitehead, and Russell on monadology and the problem of particulars
Pierre Cassou-Noguès
Becoming and auto-affection II
Leonard Lawlor
To be is to live, to be is to be recognized
Jeffrey Bernstein
The friend of the future
Desire and distance
Bringing Heidegger back to earth
Vol. 31/2
Jonathan Kim-Reuter
The significance of §§76 and 77 of the critique of judgment for the development of post-Kantian philosophy (part 2)
Eckhart Förster, Karen Ng, Matthew Congdon
Phenomenology and linguistics
Vol. 31/1
Hendrik Pos
Hegelian metaphysics
Auto-heteronomy, or Levinas' philosophy of the same
Gabriela Basterra
Truth and exactitude
Jean-Claude Milner
Reading, writing, and translating
Marcel Hénaff, Jean-Louis Morhange
Modification in Being and time, or the form of difference
Catherine Malabou
Émile Benveniste
Andrew Eastman, Chloé Laplantine
The limits of the timeless
Hugh J. Silverman
Science, philosophy, literature
Pierre Macherey
Poetic language
Hegel's practical philosophy
Robert Pippin
Preliminary remark
Wolfram Hogrebe, Adam Knowles
The signature of all things
Robin M. Muller
The singular historicity of literary understanding
Samuel Weber
Speech and knowledge
Hegel's awakening
On Wolfram Hogrebe's philosophical approach
Markus Gabriel, Adam Knowles
From the object to the scene
Bibliography of the works of Wolfram Hogrebe
Markus Gabriel
Real context and the emotional a priori
The concept of "grammar" in Being and time
Dimitri Ginev
On the subject in linguistics
Julia Kristeva
Memory, history, and justice in Hegel's system
Architectures in the imaginary
Archaeology and aletheiology
Vol. 32/1
Aristotle's principles as ΤΟΠΟΙ
Wolfgang Wieland
Dialectic and dialogue
Mitchell Miller
German idealism and the concept of punishment
Mark Theunissen
Three fragments on ΤΕΧΝΗ in Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics
Vol. 32/2
Marcia Morgan
Kierkegaard's despair in an age of reflection
Clare Carlisle
Jan Assmann
Self, others, goods, final faith
Edward F. Mooney
Søren Kierkegaard and the problem of pseudonymity
Jon Stewart
Alastair Hannay
Kierkegaard's originality
David D. Possen
ΕΡωΣ and existence
Richard B. Purkarthofer
Mourning sickness
Exorbitant logic
Kierkegaard's forgotten history, or who is the "speculative thinker"?
Jamie Turnbull
Anti-climacus and the anatomy of self-deception
Gordon D. Marino
The shipwreck of the aesthetic and ethical
Jeffrey Hanson
ΑΠΟΡΙΑ, the longer road, and the good
The "death of the author" in Hegel and Kierkegaard
Antony Aumann
Kierkegaard and Levinas
Patrick Stokes
Kierkegaard on sin and salvation
Will Williams
Natal bodies, mortal bodies, sexual bodies
Vol. 33/1
Emanuela Bianchi
Tom Rockmore, Kant and phenomenology
Nishad Patnaik
Excerpts from Antoniana Margarita
Vol. 33/2
Gómez Pereira, Rama Chandran Madhu
The mechanical conception of the animal in Gómez Pereira
Miguel Sánchez Vega, Xaymara Rosado, Erick Raphael Jiménez
"How did we come to be such as we are and not otherwise?"
Rocco Rubini
The spirit of pragmatism
Jeffrey Stout
On the history of the problem of individuation
Martin Buber
Three texts on language
Edmund Husserl
The pedagogic impulse of Husserl's ways into transcendental phenomenology
Andrea Staiti
Alexis Dianda
Ficino's symposium
Paul W. Bruno, Kant's concept of genius: its origin and function in the third critique
Kathleen Kelley
The problem of evil and the limits of philosophy
Sami Pihlström
The metaphor of the throw in Nicholas of Cusa's Game of spheres
The voiding of weak nature
Adrian Johnston
Attraction and repulsion
Marjolein Oele
The depth of signs
Varieties of presence, by Alva Noë
Vol. 34/1
Lawrence A. Berger
The relationship between hermeneutics and ontology in the case of Aristotle's ΠΕΡΙ ΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΑΣ
Tragedy and tradition
Vol. 34/2
Kristin Gjesdal
Understanding moral obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, by Robert Stern
Matthew Congdon
The origins of the philosophy of symbolic forms: Kant, Hegel, and Cassirer, by Donald Phillip Verene
The will to see
Sandra Laugier, Jonathan Chalier
Response to Jeffrey Stout
Daniel D. Hutto and Erik Myin, Radicalizing enactivism: basic minds without content
Janna Van Grunsven
Nailing it down
Richard Polt
The German historicist tradition, by Frederick C. Beiser
Alexei Procyshyn
The question of reality under modern conditions
Sophie Loidolt
Was Heidegger an "archaicist"?
Søren Overgaard
Jennifer Mensch, Kant's organicism: epigenesis and the development of critical philosophy
Jonathan H. Berk
Two traditions of idealism
Frederick Beiser
Kant and historical knowledge
Massimo Mori, Natalia Iacobelli
Friedrich Schlegel on the cultivation of common sense in aesthetic and political critique
Nathan Ross
The phenomenology of sensible life in Husserl and Levinas
Nam-In Lee
The siren song of revolution
Michael A. Rosenthal
Violenta imperia nemo continuit diu
Hasana Sharp
Nietzsche and Heidegger on justice
Vanessa Lemm
Democracy, imagination, revolution
Vittorio Morfino, Zakiya Hanafi
Spinoza on history and its secularization
Yirmiyahu Yovel
Dimensions of subjectivity in Kant
The intrigue of the other and the subversion of the subject
Drew M. Dalton
Enlightenment, prophecy, and genius
Omri Boehm
Context and complaint
Vol. 35/1-2
Paul Taylor
Natives, nature, and natural slavery
Justin Erik Smith
Levinas and Hitlerism
Simon Critchley
Between genealogy and physicality
Jean-Frédéric Schaub, Silvia Sebastiani
George Yancy, look, a white!
Joseph H. Smith
Kant and race, redux
Charles W. Mills
Johann Gottfried Herder and judaism
Emil Adler
Léon Poliakov, Philosophy, and the secularization of anti-judaism in the development of racism
Jonathan Judaken
Empirical or imperial?
Tommy Curry
Eric Voegelin's deconstruction of race in 1933
Manfred Henningsen
Comparative and competing frameworks of oppression in Simone de Beauvoir's The second sex
Kathryn T. Gines
Philosophy of philosophy
Leonard Harris
Sally Haslanger, Resisting reality: social construction and social critique
Rima Hussein
Racial nihilism as racial courage
Jacqueline Scott
Racial equality, human equality, and fairness
Naomi Zack
If not races, then what?
Review of Eric Voegelin's Race and state
Helmuth Plessner
Alexis Dianda, Robin M. Muller
Further reading in philosophy and race
Forms of spatial and textual alienation
George Yancy
Silencing the Hottentots
Review of Omri Boehm's Kant's critique of Spinoza
Vol. 36/2
Eric Schliesser
Truth and pleasure in the Philebus
Adaptive naturalism in Herder's aesthetics
Violent female bodies
Vol. 36/1
Adriana Cavarero
Four types of conceptual generality
Christian Martin
Living the biopolitical
Todd May
Rethinking the biopolitical turn from the thanatopolitical to the geneapolitical paradigm
Chiara Bottici
A study of dialectic in Plato's Parmenides
Darren Gardner
The other Plato
Joseph Lemelin
It's for the kids
Fields of sense
Benjamin Norris
Kant and the project of the metaphysics of enlightenment
Axel Hutter
Democratic bodies, biopolitically correct
Simona Forti
Jean-Luc Nancy, adoration
P.J. Gorre
Monica Mueller, Contrary to thoughtlessness
Lisa McKeown
Ludwig Siep, Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
Scott Shushan
Varieties of neoliberalism
Simon Glendinning
On thinking the real with Duns Scotus
Problematize and reconstruct
Sarin Marchetti
Reading Levinas as a husserlian (might do)
The role of the nicomachean ethics in contemporary discussions of ethics
Plato and the German romantic thinkers
Marie-Dominique Richard
The ironist and the romantic: reading Richard Rorty and Stanley Cavell
Vol. 37/1
Alexander Altonji
Political philosophy in the era of climate change
Establishing the laws of history
Vol. 37/2
Multilayer history: journeying on the roads not taken
Massimiliano Tomba
The event of finitude
Renaud Barbaras
Intentionality and the myths of the given: between pragmatism and phenomenology
Kevin Temple
The birth of ἦθος out of πάθος
Progress, normativity, and the dynamics of social change
Amy Allen, Rahel Jaeggi , Eva von Redecker
Jeremy Gauger
The ethical priority of the extra-ordinary
Bernhard Waldenfels, Irina Rotaru
Herder: aesthetics against imperialism
Analytic philosophy of history
Paul A. Roth
Torture and dignity: an essay on moral injury
Tocqueville and Flaubert on 1848
Frank Ankersmit
From utopia to dystopia
Italian modernism as a philosophical problem?
Paul Kottman
"There is no verb for history"
Nancy Partner
Adorno and negative theology
Martin Shuster
Significant formation
Anne Pollok
On historicity
Capitalism in the web of life: ecology and the accumulation of capital
Dan Boscov-Ellen
A micro-intertextual approach to ancient thought
Valérie Cordonier
Spinoza must reject primitive necessity and deny that Reason can set ends
Phenomenology, historical significance, and the limits of representation
Jacob Rump
Divine deception in Descartes' meditations
Vol. 38/1
Emanuela Scribano
Review of Stanley Rosen's Platonic production
Michael Weinman
Memory of a sign without history
Nicola Marcucci
Hilary Putnam
Vol. 38/2
Philosophy's task
Inside ethics: on the demands of moral thought
Joel de Lara
Rethinking thinking
Andrew J Mitchell
Heidegger: the question of being and history
Ryan Gustafson
The equivocity of habit
Claude Romano
Articulating the world
Imagining modernity
Augustin Dumont
Vico's history of philosophy
Donald Verene
Immortality and despair
Kasper Lysemose
Putnam's happy ending?
Philip Kitcher
Putnam and propaganda
The complementarity of means and ends
Brendan Hogan , Lawrence Marcelle
Consequences of liberal naturalism
On active solitude
Ned Curthoys
Edith Stein's second account of empathy and its philosophical implications
Antonio Calcagno
Cassirer and Rousseau
Guido Kreis , Philip Schauss
Pragmatism, analysis, and inspiration
Naoko Saito
Black bodies matter
Jill Gordon
On homecoming
Vol. 39/2
Yi-Ping Ong
Does history make sense?
Vol. 39/1
Anna Katsman
The concept of history
Daniel Wagnon
A Wittgensteinian/Austinian qualified defense of Ryle on know-how
Philosophy, literature, and the burden of theory
Niklas Forsberg
The vulnerability of the ordinary
Sandra Laugier, Wayne Wapeemukwa
Emmanuel Alloa, Resistance of the sensible world: an introduction to Merleau-Ponty
Category mistakes and ordinary language
Martin Gustafsson
The Habermas/Luhmann controversy and the "cybernetics moment"
Gregory B. Moynahan
Who's afraid of ordinary language philosophy?
Alice Crary , Joel de Lara
Aesthetic self-consciousness and sensus communis
Andrea Kern, Leigh Ann Smith-Gary
Learning to live with Derrida and Levinas
Megan Craig
Space, time, and other
Devin Fitzpatrick
Toward a non-ideal philosophy of language
David Beaver, Jason Stanley
Infopolitics, biopolitics, anatomopolitics
Colin Koopman
Review of Andrew Norris' Becoming who we are
Jonathan Havercroft
Wittgenstein and pragmatism
Cayla Clinkenbeard
"I value effort above everything else"
Philosophy and the problem of beauty in Heidegger's translation of "justice"
Lucas Fain
Introduction to the exchange between Abbt and Mendelssohn
Self-identity in Spinoza's account of finite individuals
Sean Winkler
Philosophy and the patience of film in Cavell and Nancy
Kant on time and revolution
Raef Zreik
Conceptual analysis, practical commitment, and ordinary language
Exchange on the vocation of man
Thomas Abbt, Moses Mendelssohn
Colloquy on being
Vol. 4
Ernst Vollrath, J. N. Mohanty, Kenley Dove
Critiques of empiricism
John Vance
The logic of parts and wholes
Bruce Nerenberg
Gurwitsch's theory of the constitution of the ordinal numbers
William R McKenna
Marx's introduction to the grundrisse
William Maker
Susanne K. Langer's theory of mind and living form
Vol. 40/2
Veronica Padilla
Theory of the priority of the ordinal over the cardinal numbers
Aron Gurwitsch
On the responsibility of the philosopher and the artist
Richard J. Bernstein, Why read Hannah Arendt now
Paul T. Wilford
Pragmatic naturalism
Simon Critchley, Tragedy, the Greeks and us
Yi Wu
Introduction to "Neo-Aristotelianism: on the medieval renaissance and William of Ockham"
Ian Alexander Moore
The importance of knowing Greek
Inessa Medzhibovskaya
A cartesian misreading of Spinoza's understanding of adequate knowledge
Vol. 40/1
Norman Whitman
Introduction to the exchange between Rudolf Bultmann and Hans Jonas on Hans Jonas' "Essay on immortality"
What is understanding?
Françoise Dastur
Indirect communication, authority, and proclamation as a normative power
Christopher Bennett, Paul Faulkner, Robert Stern
Descartes for philosophers
Han van Ruler
How philosophy and sociology need each other
Alice Crary , Steven Lukes
Exchange on Hans Jonas' Essay on immortality
Rudolf Bultmann, Hans Jonas
Aberrant movements
Jelle Baan
Hans Blumenberg's early theory of technology and history
Hannes Bajohr
Hobbes and modern political thought
Meghan Robison
Alan Bass, fetishism, psychoanalysis, and philosophy
Emily Gillcrist
On the genealogy of color
James Trybendis
Ponderings xii–xv
Christopher Merwin
The simul
Ceciel Meiborg
Rorty and (the politics of) love
Sheldon S. Wolin
Beyond the living and the dead
Karl Ameriks
Beyond "kaput"
Are there limitations to toleration in a free society?
Horace M. Kallen
The relationship between nature and technology as a philosophical problem
Hans Blumenberg
Materials and elements in art
Susanne Langer
Logic in contingency
Vol. 5
Daniel Levinson
Toward an interpretative or hermeneutic social science
Joseph Kockelmans
Gadamer on language and method in Hegel's dialectic
P. Christopher Smith
On the transcendental deduction
John Wetlaufer
Hans-Georg Gadamer
The problem of historical consciousness
The social and the natural in Marx
Joel Whitebook
On Gurwitsch's number theory
Rosina Albano-Zinco
Heidegger's politics
Vol. 6/1
Herbert Marcuse
Karl-Otto Apel's Transformation der Philosophie II
Vol. 6/2
Frank M. Kirkland
Gadamer and Ricoeur
Preliminary critique of the concept of epistemological frontiers
Gaston Bachelard
The original accumulation and the concept of capital
A comment on the description of human behavior
Horst Gundlach
Karl-Otto Apel's Transformation der Philosophie I
Martin Heidegger
Jürgen Habermas
Only a God can save us now
David Schendler
Language and some aspects of the problem of truth
Josef Simon
The transcendental argument in Kant's second critique
Robert J. Benton
Hegel's concept of personality in the philosophy of right
Jerrold Kaufman
Howard B. Gold
Wittgenstein's critical project
Robert M Harlan
The attainment of the absolute in Hegel's phenomenology
Vol. 7/2
Mitch H. Miller
Political science and the topics
Vol. 7/1
Wilhelm Hennis
On Heidegger
Karl Jaspers
Discursive idealism
John Cooper, Reason and human good in Aristotle
Lawrence Nannery
Thought and life
Georges Canguilhem
Theories of meaning in the analytic and continental traditions
Karl-Otto Apel, J. N. Mohanty, Anthony Quinton
Structuralism and ecology
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Paul Ricoeur, interpretation theory
On Merleau-Ponty
Reflexion, interpretation, and dialectic
The origin of negative dialectics: Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and the Frankfurt institute, by susan Buck-Morss; the melancholy science: an introduction to the thought of Theodor w. Adorno, by gillian rose
Vol. 8
Kevin M. Clark
What is this thing called science? by A. F. Chalmers
John Phillips
Aristotle's de anima and Marx's theory of man
David J. Depew
Philosophy and the mirror of nature by Richard Rorty
Frank B. McCluskey
Morality and ideology
Kai Nielsen
Hermeneutics or phenomenology
John E Jalbert
On Hegel's significance for the social sciences
Rüdiger Bubner
Horizonal hermeneutics and the actual infinite
Robert S. Corrington
Cultural pluralism and ethical community in Kant's philosophy of history
Vol. 9/1
Sharon Anderson-Gold
The differance of translation
Vol. 9/2
David B. Allison
How to escape from Hegel's aesthetics!
Albert Hofstadter
Paradigm evolution in political philosophy
The birth of tragic thought
The ruled and the unruly
Time and revolutionary language
Reinhart Koselleck
The political philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, by Sonia Kruks
On the problematic character of aesthetic consciousness
Critique of pure reason and language
The basic problems of phenomenology, by Martin Heidegger
Normative ethics and strategical rationality
The children of darkness are more clever than the children of light
Michael Landmann
Toward the semantic history of social Darwinism
André Béjin
Merleau-Ponty and the critique of Kant
Drew Leder
The early interpreters of Hegel's philosophy of right
Randy Perry
Hannah Arendt memorial symposia
Daz Prinzip Verantwortung: Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation, by Hans Jonas
Benedikt Haller
Notes for a materialist analysis of the public and the private realms
Robert Paul Wolff
The Greek polis and the creation of democracy
Cornelius Castoriadis
Berkeley, by J. O. Urmson
Louis J. Miele
A significant phenomenological alternative for aesthetics
Teodora Kuklinková