
Michael Hanke

(2018). Truth as objectified knowledge in in-groups: approaching fake news within the Schutzian framework. Schutzian Research, 10, 141-153. https://doi.org/10.5840/schutz2018108.

(2016). Schutz' semiotics and the symbolic construction of reality. Schutzian Research, 8, 103-120. https://doi.org/10.5840/schutz201686.

(2014). The "well-informed citizen" as a theory of public space. Schutzian Research, 6, 93-103. https://doi.org/10.5840/schutz201467.

with Loenhoff, J. (1992). Übersetzung, Kommunikation und Problemlösung. In E. Hess-Lüttich (Ed.). Medienkultur — Kulturkonflikt (pp. 367-390). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.