Gail Soffer
(1999). Phenomenologizing with a hammer: theory or practice?. Continental Philosophy Review 32 (4), pp. 379-393.
(1998). The other as alter ego: a genetic approach. Husserl Studies 15 (3), pp. 151-166.
(1997). Review of A. Steinbock, Home and beyond. Husserl Studies 14 (2), pp. 153-160.
(1997)., Relativism, in L. Embree (ed.), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp. 593-598.
(1996)., Perception and its causes, in T. Nenon & L. Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl's Ideas II, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 37-56.
(1996). Philosophy and the disdain for history: reflections on Husserl's Erganzungsband to the Crisis. Journal of the history of philosophy 34, pp. 95-116.
(1994). Is language a game?: phenomenological reflections on verstehen and einfühlen in Gadamer. Études phénoménologiques 10 (20), pp. 27-63.
(1993). Review of Book review. Husserl Studies 10 (1), pp. 43-49.
(1991). Husserl and the question of relativism, Springer, Dordrecht.
(1990). Phenomenology and scientific realism: Husserl's critique of Galileo. Review of Metaphysics 44, pp. 67-94.