Herman Parret

Herman Parret is professor emeritus at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of Leuven University (Belgium) where he taught philosophy of language and philosophical aesthetics. He has been invited frequently in various foreign universities in France and Italy, in Latin-American countries and in the United States. His publications concern linguistic and philosophical pragmatics, theoretical and visual semiotics, the epistemology of linguistics and of semiotics, philosophical aesthetics and art theory. His interest aims at generating a dialogue between disciplines, always in search of a global and foundational reflection.

in Dutch

B. Harrison, Meaning and Structure


Tijdschrift voor filosofie 35/3

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E. von Savigny, Die Philosophie der normalen Sprache


Tijdschrift voor filosofie 35/3

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E.F.K. Koerner, Bibliographia Saussureana


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F. Kiefer, N. Ruwet, Generative Grammar in Europe


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R. Posner, Theorie des Kommentierens


Tijdschrift voor filosofie 35/3

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S. R. Schiffer, Meaning


Tijdschrift voor filosofie 35/3

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W. Ingendahl, Der metaphorische Prozess


Tijdschrift voor filosofie 35/3

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