1933-1592 (print)
The last phase of Husserl's phenomenology
Vol. 1/4
Maximilian Beck
Edmund Husserl, Die Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geometrie
Dorion Cairns
In reply to Cairns' critical remarks
The ideality of verbal expressions
Concerning Beck's "The Last Phase of Husserl's Phenomenology
A non-egological conception of consciousness
Vol. 1/3
Aron Gurwitsch
Strata of experience
Felix Kaufmann
On imagination
Fritz Kaufmann
Notizen zu Raumkonstitution (I)
Vol. 1/1
Edmund Husserl
Notizen zur Raumkonstitution I
Alfred Schütz
Edmund Husserl and the background of his philosophy
Marvin Farber
The world as phenomenological problem
Ludwig Landgrebe
The function of phenomenological analysis
Notizen zu Raumkonstitution (II)
Vol. 1/2
Critical Phenomenological Realism
Herbert Spiegelberg
The concept of the given in contemporary philosophy
John Wild
William James's concept of the stream of thought phenomenologically interpreted
Phenomenology and metaphysics
Vol. 10
Malvine Husserl
Vol. 11/4
Jean Hering
Edith Steins Werke I. Kreuzeswissenschaft. Studien ueber Johannes a Cruce
Edmund Husserl, Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vorträge
Choosing among projects of action
Vol. 12/2
Edith Stein, endliches und ewiges sein
Vol. 12/4
Edmund Husserl's ideas, volume II
Vol. 13/3
Die Phaenomenologie und die Fundamente der Wissenschaften (Ideas III by Edmund Husserl)
Vol. 13/4
Edmund Husserl, Ideas II
Edmund Husserl, Ideas III
A. Kastil, Die Philosophie Franz Brentanos
Vol. 13/2
Hugo Bergmann
The proper object of psychology
Common-sense and scientific interpretation of human action
Vol. 14/1
Marcel and the ground issues of metaphysics
Vol. 14/4
William Ernest Hocking
Mead and Husserl on the self
Vol. 15
Van Meter Ames
The last work of Edmund Husserl I
Vol. 16/3
Persönliche Aufzeichnungen
The last work of Edmund Husserl II
Vol. 17
Doubt and phenomenological reduction
Vol. 18
Forrest Williams
Théorie du champ de la conscience, by Aron Gurwitsch
Vivian Jerauld McGill
The Meaning of Objectivism and Realism in Max Scheler's Philosophy of Religion
Vol. 2/3
Hanna Hafkesbrink
Socrates as a precursor of phenomenology
Vol. 2/1
Michael Landmann
On the relationship between Husserl's phenomenology and psychological insight
Ludwig Binswanger
Scheler's theory of intersubjectivity and the general thesis of the alter ego
The phenomenological approach to history I
Phänomenologie und Anthropologie
Husserl's transcendental-phenomenological reduction
Vol. 20
Richard Schmitt
Phenomenality and transcendence
Vol. 20/2
Hermann Ulrich Asemissen
The phenomenological approach in social sciences
Hans Neisser
Type and eidos in Husserl's late philosophy
Husserl's critique of Hume's notion of "distinctions of reason"
Robert E. Butts
Vedanta as transcendental phenomenology
Praous Jivan Chaudhury
E. Fink, sein, wahrheit, welt
Samuel Hart
E. Fink, alles und nichts
Vol. 21
W Schwartz
In memory of a great philosopher
Vol. 22/4
Lev Shestov
Husserl's critique of Descartes
Vol. 23/2
Jean-Marc Laporte
Phenomenology and analysis
Vol. 23/1
Edith Stein on her activity as an assistant of Edmund Husserl
Roman Witold Ingarden
Phenomenology and positivism
Debabrata Sinha, Sinha Debabrata
First philosophy and the problem of the world
Immanent constitution in Husserl's lectures on time
Vol. 24
Robert Sokolowski
The concept of truth in Husserl's Logical investigations
Louis Dupré
In Memoriam - Alexander Koyré
Vol. 25/3
Transcendental phenomenology and existentialism
Vol. 25/1
James M. Edie
Husserl and pre-reflexive constitution
Vol. 26/1
Richard T Murphy
Husserl and the coherence of other minds problem
Chauncey B. Downes
Brentano on the history of Greek philosophy
Edmund Husserl, Phänomenologische Psychologie
Vol. 27
Walter Cerf
Some parallels between analysis and phenomenology
Don Ihde
Consciousness and its correlatives
Vol. 28/4
Jitendra Kumar
The logic of parts and wholes in Husserl's Investigations
Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology, by Aron Gurwitsch
Fiction and phenomenology
Vol. 29
Donald Kuspit
Induction and Husserl's theory of eidetic variation
David Michael Levin
Husserl's thoughts on God and faith
The idea of a naturalistic logic
Nicolai Hartmann and phenomenology
Vol. 3/3
An introduction to existential philosophy
Moritz Geiger
On the nature and aims of phenomenology
Vol. 3/1
Language as phenomenon
Vol. 30
Margaret Chatterjee
Towards a theory of intentionality
Husserl and Brentano on intentionality
Vol. 31/2
James C. Morrison
Theodor Conrad, zur Wesenslehre des psychischen Lebens und erLebens
Waltraut Stein
Perceiving and imagining
James R. Kuehl
Edward Casey
The noematics of reason
Vol. 32
Garth Gillan
A psychological contribution to the phenomenology of the Other
David Smillie
B. Waldenfels, das zwischenreich des dialogs
Vol. 33/2
Eidetic analysis, informal rigor and a phenomenological critique of Carnap's notion of explication
Robert S. Tragesser
An essay on phenomenology
R.K. Raval
Intuition and horizon in the philosophy of Husserl
Vol. 34
Henry Pietersma
The "fifth meditation" and Husserl's Cartesianism
David Carr
Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973)
Lester Embree
The "fifth" meditation and Husserl's Cartesianism
Perception and the "concrete abstractness" of science
Charles Hartshorne
A common misunderstanding concerning Husserl's crisis-text
Vol. 35
Philip Bossert
A common misunderstanding concerning Husserl's Crisis-text
Brief an Arthur Liebert (25.VI.1936)
Adolph Reinach
Psychology from the phenomenological standpoint of Husserl
Vol. 36
Jacob Golomb
Phenomenology and the theory of science, by Aron Gurwitsch
Frederick Kersten
Heidegger and the phenomenological reduction
Francis Seeburger
Descriptive phenomenology and constructivism
Vol. 37
Hans Seigfried
On Husserl's theory of consciousness in the 5th "Logical investigation"
Quentin Smith
Husserl's Crisis
Margaret van de Pitte
Generalizing abstraction and the judgment of subsumption in Aron Gurwitsch's version of Husserl's theory of intentionality
Vol. 38
Gilbert T Null
A note on "is" and "ought" in phenomenological perspective
Vol. 39
Kant, Husserl and Heidegger on time and the unity of "consciousness"
Ronald P Morrison
Husserl's theory of the phenomenological reduction in the "Logical investigations"
Husserl and scientific realism
Gary Gutting
Klaus Hedwig
Husserl and Heidegger
Vol. 40
On seeing a material thing in space
John Drummond
The concept of evidence in Husserl's genealogy of logic
Vol. 41
Lee Regis Snyder
H.P. rickman, Wilhelm Dilthey
Vol. 42/3
Elżbieta Paczkowska-Łagowska
What is Husserl's first philosophy?
Jeffner Allen
Context dependent knowledge
Robert Ackermann
The limitations of sense experience
Gerald Stanley
Seeing our own faces
Robert Oakes
Evolutionary epistemology is self-referentially inconsistent
Carl Kordig
M.-L. schubert kalsi, alexius Meinong
Husserl on the foundational structures of natural and cultural sciences
Vol. 42/1
Robert D'Amico
The phenomenology of Karol Wojtyla
Hans Köchler
A causal analysis of seeing
Michael Tye
R. Martin, semiotics and linguistic structures
Frederic Fitch
Frege's "objects" and "concepts"
Brian Birchall
The phenomenon of "the look"
George Stack, Robert Plant
The originality of Hume's theory of obligation
Henry David Aiken
Erwin Straus and Alfred Schutz
Maurice Natanson
Persons and morality
Elie M Adams
Husserl and private languages
Peter Hutcheson
Aquinas on God's omnipresence and timelessness
Richard La Croix
Speechless brutes
John Heil
The function of fiction
Ynhui Park
Phenomenology of memory from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty
David Farrell Krell
Hume's missing shade of blue
John Morreall
Markers on the road to the phenomenological movement
Vol. 43
Karl Schuhmann
Movements in philosophy
Vol. 44
Suzanne Cunningham
Kevin Mulligan, Peter Simons, Barry Smith
The relation of form and stuff in Husserl's grammar of pure logic
Robert Hanna
Perceptual meaning in Husserl
Vol. 45
Edmund Husserl, Collected works II: Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy
Vol. 46
The role of "Ich kann" in Husserl's answer to Humean skepticism
Albert A Johnstone
Husserl's alleged private language
Vol. 47
The phenomenological analysis of earth's motion
Vol. 48
Pierre Kerszberg
Schlick and Husserl on the foundations of phenomenology
Jim Shelton
Was Husserl a nominalist?
Vol. 49
J.P. Moreland
Time and spatial models
Mary Jeanne Larrabee
Die Apologie von Schanz...
Vol. 5/1
Franz Brentano
The concept of group and the theory of perception
Ernst Cassirer
Sie erfreuen mich durch den Bericht ueber Dr. Lederers philanthropische Erfolge...
Ich danke Ihnen fuer die Weise, wie Sie das mir von Stumpf gegebene Versprechen bei ihm in Erinnerung brachten...
Ihre Kritik von Ewald...
On multiple realities
Vol. 5/4
Phenomenology and physics
Vol. 5/2
Henry Margenau
The problem of knowledge and phenomenology
Vol. 50/Supplementary volume
Husserl's yearbook
The primacy of perception in Husserl's theory of imagining
Mark R Drost
Husserl, Heidegger and transcendental philosophy
Steven Crowell
Rethinking democracy, by Carol C. Gould
Vol. 51/2
Lawrence C. Becker
Symposium contribution on events and their names by Jonathan Bennett
Vol. 51/3
David H. Sanford
Happiness, by Lynne McFall
Vol. 51/4
Thomas L. Carson
On being epistemically intemal
Stephen Hetherington
Matter in mind: a study of Kant's transcendental deduction, by Richard E. Aquila
Ralf Meerbote
The possibility of weakness of will, by Robert Dunn
Alison McIntyre
Virtues and rules
Robert Roberts
Shelly Kagan's the limits of morality
Frances Kamm
Normativity and motivation
Leigh B. Kelley
Aesthetic understanding
Peter Forrest
We will do it
Raimo Tuomela
Tropes and supervenience
Terence Parsons
The independence criterion of substance
Gary Rosenkrantz, Joshua Hoffman
Reply to Roque
Alasdair MacIntyre
Intensional logic and the metaphysics of intentionality, by Edward N. Zalta
Dale Jacquette
Plato's defense of justice
Norman O. Dahl
Precis of the limits of morality
Shelly Kagan
Individuality: an essay on the foundations of metaphysics, by Jorge J. E. Gracia
Ignacio Angelelli
Bearers of virtue
Ramon M. Lemos
Replies to my critics
Hampton on Hobbes on state-of nature cooperation
Ishtiyaque Haji
Nietzsche's philosophy of culture
Frederick Olafson
Michael Slote
Neither mentioning "brains in a vat" nor mentioning brains in a vat will prove that we are not brains in a vat
Marian David
Knowledge and evidence, by Paul K. Moser
Timm Triplett
A note on mimesis as make-believe
Richard Wollheim
Practical reflection, by J. David Velleman
Michael H. Robins
Backwards and forwards in the modal logic of agency
Nuel D. Belnap
Spinoza, by Alan Donagan
Don Garrett
Realism and psychologism in 19th century logic
Richard R. Brockhaus
Moral dilemmas, by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Philip L. Quinn
Personal identity and reductionism
Brian Jonathan Garrett
Kierkegaard's pragmatist faith
Steven M. Emmanuel
Cooperating and contracting
Jean Hampton
Andrew Melnyk
Comments on mimesis as make-believe
George M. Wilson
Precis of events and their names
Jonathan Bennett
Jaegwon Kim
The need for warrant
Paradoxes, by R. M. Sainsbury
Roy A. Sorensen
Ad walls
Alvin Plantinga
Causation, supervenience, and method
Keith Campbell
Language competence and tradition-constituted rationality
Alicia Juarrero Roque
Precis of mimesis as make-believe
Kendall L. Walton
Defending moral options
Dan Brock
Epicurus' ethical theory: the pleasures of invulnerability
Martha C. Nussbaum
Reply to reviewers
Davidson's transcendental arguments
William Maker
Rationality, by Harold I. Brown
Stephen Nathanson
Artists in the shadows
Nicholas Wolterstorff
The representational content of musical experience
Mark DeBellis
Skepticism in ethics, by Panayot Butchvarov
James Dreier
Real imaginings
Patrick Maynard
Why Plantinga must move from defense to theodicy
Jerry L. Walls
Hegel's theory of mental activity
Richard Aquila
Philosophical essays, by Richard Cartwright
Richard B. Angell
Sense and certainty, by Marie McGinn
John Greco
Kant's copernican revolution, by Ermanno Bencivenga
Vol. 52/3
Gordon Brittan
Gibbard on morality and sentiment
Vol. 52/4
Thomas E. Hill
On action, by Carl Ginet
Vol. 52/2
Alfred Mele
Almost indiscernible twins
H. E. Baber
Gibbard's conceptual scheme for moral philosophy
Sklar on methodological conservatism
Vol. 52/1
Jonathan Vogel
Where's the good in teleology?
Mark A. Bedau
Substance without substratum
Arda Denkel
Activation vectors versus propositional attitudes
Paul M. Churchland
The epistemic role of qualitative content
Theodore W. Schick
Causation and universals, by Evan Fales
John W. Carroll
Lying, liars and language
David Simpson
Love's knowledge, by Martha C. Nussbaum
Richard Eldridge
Truth, activation vectors and possession conditions for concepts
Hilary Putnam
Contextualism and knowledge attributions
Keith Derose
Divine nature and human language: essays in philosophical theology, by William P. Alston
Thomas V. Morris
Discussion of Peter Unger's identity, consciousness and value
Richard Swinburne
Thinking, language and experience
Tomis Kapitan
I touch what I saw
Arindam Chakrabarti
Was Meinong only pretending?
Frederick Kroon
Precis of identity, consciousness and value
Peter Unger
Semantics and the psyche
Marcelo Dascal , Amir Horowitz
Deciding for others: the ethics of surrogate decision making, by Allan E. Buchanan and Dan W. Brock
Donald Vandeveer
Direct and indirect belief
Curtis Brown
Putnam on intentionality
John Haldane
Causality, reliabilism, and mathematical knowledge
Albert Casullo
Three rival versions of moral enquiry: encyclopaedia, genealogy, and tradition, by Alasdair MacIntyre
Joel J. Kupperman
Grundlagen einer Theorle der Wahrheit, by Lorenz B. Puntel
Barry Smith
Reason and morality: a defense of the egocentric perspective, by Richard Fumerton
Richard Feldman
Putnam on truth
Richard Rorty
Eplstemic justification. essays in the theory of knowledge, by William Alston
Matthias Steup
A moderate mentalism
Christopher Peacocke
Husserl and analytic philosophy and husserlian intentionality and non-foundational realism
The absurdity of life
Steven Luper-Foy
Things change
Mark Heller
You know what you falsely believe (or: Pollock, know thyself!)
Robert K. Shope
Comments on some aspects of Peter Unger's identity, consciousness and value
Peter Strawson
Direct realism, indirect realism, and epistemology
Harold I. Brown
Justification by balance
Harvey Siegel
The concept of the highest good in Kant's moral theory
Stephen Engstrom
Skepticism and interpretation
Kirk A. Ludwig
Criteria of identity and the individuation of natural-kind events
Elias E. Savellos
Reply to shope
John L. Pollock
The laws of thought
Hilary Kornblith
How to build a person
Stephen Schiffer
In defense of global supervenience
R. Cranston Paull, Theodore Sider
Heidegger's question of being and the augustinian picture' of language
Herman Philipse
Precis of wise choices, apt feelings
Allan Gibbard
Multiple realization and the metaphysics of reduction
Heidegger and Habermas on criticism and totality
David Kolb
Pleasure, passion and truth
J. E. Tiles
Reply to Blackburn, Carson, Hill, and Railton
Gibbard on normative logic
Simon Blackburn
Deontology, incommensurability and the arbitrary
Anthony Ellis
Nietzsche's critique of truth
Ken Gemes
Of one's own free will
Dennis W. Stampe, Martha I. Gibson
Demonstrating with descriptions
Marga Reimer
The truth connection
Earl Conee
The circle of acquaintance: perception, consciousness, and empathy, by David Woodruff Smith
Cognitive reason
D. Goldstick
Are human rights based on equal human worth?
Louis P. Pojman
Unger's psychological continuity theory
Sydney Shoemaker
Natural signs: a theory of intentionality, by Laird Addis
Ausonio Marras
Pursuit of truth
Barry Stroud
The dynamics of rational deliberation, by Brian Skyrms
Richard C. Jeffrey
The self-defeating character of skepticism
Douglas C. Long
From cognitive science to folk psychology
Terence Horgan
Toward a compatibility theory for internalist and externalist epistemologies
James F. Sennett
What is at stake between Putnam and Rorty?
Paul Forster
An ontology of art, by Gregory Currie
Jerrold Levinson
Recent work on Hegel
Karl Ameriks
Induction and the Gettier problem
Richard Creath
Nonfactualism about normative discourse
Peter Railton
A combinatorial theory of possibility, by D. M. Armstrong
Peter Menzies
Practical reasoning, by Robert Audi
Noah Lemos
Multiple drafts and higher-order thoughts
Vol. 53
David Rosenthal
The natural and the normative
Lorne Falkenstein
State-space semantics and meaning holism
Stringency of rights and "ought"
Gilbert Harman
The ontology of physical objects
W. Dean, Dean W. Zimmerman
The imagery debate
Kim Sterelny
The Gestalt controversy
Dennis Sweet
Is conceivability a guide to possibility?
Stephen Yablo
Thomas Reid on freedom and morality
Précis of holism
Ernest LePore, Jerry Fodor
Indeterminism and free agency
Timothy E. O'Connor
Anthony Dardis
The truth about relativism
Bruce Aune
One more failed transcendental argument
Anthony Brueckner
The virtues of common pursuit
Nancy Sherman
Michael D. Resnik
Indeterminacy of translation—theory and practice
Dorit Bar-On
Baffling phenomena and other studies in the philosophy of knowledge and valuation
Norman Swartz
Reply to critics
Of transplants and trolleys
Eric Mack
Localism and analyticity
Michael Devitt
Visualizing in arithmetic
Marcus Giaquinto
Précis of the realm of rights
Judith Jarvis Thomson
Burge on content
Reinaldo Elugardo
Main developments in recent scholarship on the critique of pure reason
Guenter Zoeller
Epistemic desiderata
William Alston
Reply to commentators
Double-aspect foundherentism
Susan Haack
Aristotle on the non-supervenience of local motion
Michael J. White
The unity of the self
Peter Van Inwagen's material beings
Eli Hirsch
Varieties of moral personality
Ferdinand Schoeman
Précis of laws and symmetry
Bas C. van Fraassen
Précis of consciousness explained
Daniel Dennett
Rights as normative constraints on others
George W. Rainbolt
Leibniz and Arnauld
David Blumenfeld
Armstrong, Cartwright, and Earman on laws and symmetry
The message is
Idealized conceptual roles
Georges Rey
Mind, meaning and metaphysics
Arousal and the ends of desire
Rockney Jacobsen
Exploring the realm of rights
Bruce Russell
Appendix a (for philosophers)
Frank Jackson
How fast does time pass?
Ned Markosian
Skeptical problems, semantical solutions
David Christensen
The impossibility of massive error
L. S. Carrier
Belief, justification and knowledge
James E. Taylor
Time and eternity
William E. Mann
Sense, subject and horizon
Carleton Christensen
Transplants and trolleys
Bernard Gert
On the nature and existence of God
John F. Post
Précis of material beings
Peter Van Inwagen
Understanding and blaming
Lawrence Vogel
A coherence theory of autonomy
Laura W. Ekstrom , Laura Waddell Ekstrom
The pragmatic psyche
Radu J Bogdan
Logical cognition
Comments on Peter Van Inwagen's material beings
Jay F. Rosenberg
The elimination of experience
William Seager
Mind/consciousness dualism in Sānkhya-yoga philosophy
Paul Schweizer
Act and maxim
Graham Oddie
Music, art, and metaphysics
Gregory Currie
Raiders of the lost distinction
In defence of "this worldly" causality
Nancy Cartwright
On what there isn't
The social anatomy of inference
Robert Brandom
Representation and style
James D. Carney
Lovely and suspect ideas
In defense of laws
John Earman
Heidegger and artificial intelligence
Beth Preston
Contingency, a prioricity and acquaintance
Thomas Ryckman
The problem of self-knowledge in Kant's "refutation of idealism"
Reflections on Dennett and consciousness
Judgement and justification
The fixation of belief and its undoing
Vol. 54/3
Henry E. Kyburg
Why Alston's mystical doxastic practice is subjective
Vol. 54/4
Richard M. Gale
The structure of the skeptical argument
Précis of a system of pragmatic idealism
Vol. 54/2
Nicholas Rescher
Meaning and metaphilosophy
Vol. 54/1
Paul Horwich
Arthur Collins's the nature of mental things
Richard Moran
A progress of sentiments, reflections on Hume's treatise
Louis E. Loeb
Particulars in particular clothing
Peter Simons
The shifting content of knowledge attributions
Replies to commentators
What is the connection principle?
Jerry Fodor, Ernest LePore
Nietzsche on truth and philosophy
Steven D. Hales , Robert C. Welshon
Précis of perceiving god
Second thoughts
Jennifer Radden
Précis of the metaphysics of meaning
Jerrold Katz
On belief and the captivity of the will
Dion Scott-Kakures
Ontologically dependent entities
Roderick Chisholm
Hume's system
Annette C. Baier
Snails rolled up contrary to all sense
Rolf George , Paul Rusnock
Cognitive schemes and truth as an ideal
Jack W Meiland
Religious disagreements and doxastic practices
Robert M. Adams
Defining justification and naturalizing epistemology
Robert Almeder
Critical remarks on the sources of the self by Charles Taylor
Psychological externalism and psychological explanation
Joseph Owens
Kant, Hume, and our ordinary concept of causation
Harold Langsam
Wittgenstein, phenomenology and what it makes sense to say
Alva Noë
The disappearance of time
L. Nathan Oaklander
Literature and rationality
Paul Taylor
Sense, reference and rule-following
Paul Boghossian
J. A. Cover
Précis of from morality to virtue
Taylor on self-celebration and gratitude
Thought experiments in science and philosophy
James Cargile
Morality and the emotions
Comments on sources of the self by Charles Taylor
How to perform a reduction
D. H. M. Brooks
Self-other asymmetries and virtue theory
Michael Stocker
Nicholas Rescher's metaphilosophical inquiries
Joseph Margolis
Précis of sources of the self
Charles Taylor
How should future opinion affect current opinion?
Richard Foley
Focusing on truth
Richard L. Kirkham
Real emotion
David Pugmire
Transforming vision
Robert Adams's new anti-molinist argument
William Lane Craig
The connection principle and the ontology of the unconscious
John Searle, Ernest LePore
Primitive substances
E. J. Lowe
In defence of phenomenalistic idealism
John Foster
Predication without universals?
James Van Cleve
Laws, natures, and contingent necessities
Crawford L. Elder
Self-knowledge and "inner sense" lecture I
The pragmatic idealism of Nicholas Rescher
John Kekes
Katz and Wittgenstein
Eddy M. Zemach
A janus view on Rescher's perspectival pluralism
Johanna Seibt
Philosophy and its history
Michael Frede
The naive theory of colour
Clive Stroud-Drinkwater
Self-knowledge and "inner sense" lecture II
Content and causation in perception
Michael Pendlebury
Preserving the principle of one object to a place
Michael Burke
Rescher on rationality and morality
Paradox and privacy
Edward H. Minar
The nature and the impossibility of moral perfection
Rescuing ethical theory
Henry S. Richardson
Expressing and attributing beliefs
On the nature and scope of morality
Terrance McConnell
Self-knowledge and "inner sense" lecture III
From morality to virtue and back?
Stephen L. Darwall
One more foiled defense of skepticism
An apprentice argument
Elijah Millgram
Katz on indeterminacy and the proto-theory
Roger F. Gibson
Les liaisons dangereuses
Bats, brain scientists, and the limitations of introspection
Derk Pereboom
Perception and mystical experience
George S. Pappas
Causes and coincidences
Vol. 55/2
Evan Fales
Internal reasons
Vol. 55/1
Michael B Smith
Intentional self-deception in a single coherent self
W. J. Talbott
Artifacts and constituents
Ancient conceptions of happiness
Vol. 55/4
Privacy, intimacy, and isolation
William A. Parent
Objectivity disfigured
Alexander Miller
Précis of human morality
Samuel Scheffler
Epistemic warrant as proper function
Confrontations with the reaper
Stephen E. Rosenbaum
New philosophy of social science
Peter Winch
Leibniz on divine foreknowledge of future contingents and human freedom
Michael Murray
Reasons and feelings in Kantian morality
Reply to three commentators
Nicholas White
The new constellation
Thomas A. McCarthy
Pragmatism and the philosophy of language
Vol. 55/3
Danielle Macbeth
Response to warrant
Contextual analysis in ethics
Kent Bach
Précis of the advancement of science
Philip Kitcher
The common mind
Huw Price
Précis of the morality of happiness
Julia Annas
Author's response
Consciousness, intentionality and function
Pierre Jacob
Eudaimonism and the appeal to nature in the morality of happiness
John M. Cooper
Proper and improper use of cognitive faculties
Abstract and concrete
Paul Humphreys
Reply to Cooper
Capacities, tendencies and the problem of singular causes
Margaret Morrison
Kitcher on advancing science
Dudley Shapere
Blind realism
Adjusting utility for justice
Fred Feldman
Plantinga on epistemic warrant
The aesthetic value of representation in painting
Alan H. Goldman
Warrant entails truth
Trenton Merricks
The architectonic of Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
Jon Stewart
Two kinds of actions
H. M. Collins, Martin Kusch
Cognitive value and the advancement of science
Isaac Levi
Consciousness, the brain and the connection principle
John Searle
Why the connection argument doesn't work
Robert Van Gulick
Non-reductionism and John Searle's the rediscovery of the mind
Why theorize how to live with each other?
Mental causation in Searle's "biological naturalism"
Précis of warrant
Knowledge and the internal
John McDowell
Kant on the impossibility of the "soft sciences"
Abhaya C. Nayak, Eric Sotnak
Absolute vs. relational theories of space and time
Robert Rynasiewicz
Making sense of Kant's schematism
Reliabilism, analyses and defeaters
Moral judges and human ideals
Susan Wolf
Précis of nature's capacities and their measurement
Knowledge and the social articulation of the space of reasons
Human morality's authority
Comments on Plantinga's two-volume work on warrant
Carl Ginet
Précis of Kant and the experience of freedom
Paul Guyer
The intentional acquisition of mental states
Luc Bovens
Reply to Eells, Humphreys and Morrison
The advancement of realism
Richard Miller
Theories of truth
Dorothy Grover
Moral anthropology in Kant's aesthetics and ethics
Kitcher and the achievement of science
Peter Machamer
Cartwright on probabilistic causality
Ellery Eells
Are some propositions empirically necessary?
Philip L. Peterson
The morality of happiness by Julia Annas
Richard Kraut
Our errant epistemic aim
Stephen Maitzen
Rightness and reasons
David Norton
Radical realism
Jude P. Dougherty
On Paul Guyer's Kant and the experience of freedom
Reid's critique of Berkeley and Hume
Truth and historicity
Lawrence Johnson
Emergence or reduction?
Ralf Stoecker
Why not solipsism?
Elliott Sober
The importance of joint respect
Vol. 56/1
The epistemology of religious experience
Pain, injury and first/third-person asymmetry
Katherine J. Morris
Generality and moral justification
Don Loeb
Nietzsche on logic
Vol. 56/4
Steven D. Hales
Objectivity and the internal-external Reasons controversy
Vol. 56/2
Robert Audi
Relevant alternatives and the content of knowledge attributions
Haack's evidence and inquiry
Vol. 56/3
Value in ethics and economics
Alfred F. Mackay
Compatibilism, incompatibilism, and the smart aleck
Ted Honderich
Knowledge acknowledged
Jaakko Hintikka
Self-deception and internal irrationality
Précis of philosophical naturalism
David Papineau
The semantic tradition from Kant to Carnap
Précis of evidence and inquiry
On misinterpreting Kripke's Wittgenstein
Alex Byrne
Direct reference
Existence and self-understanding in being and time
William D Blattner
Moral conversions
Richard H. Dees
Précis of dividing reality
Précis of philosophy after objectivity
Paul K. Moser
Representing beliefs
G. W. Fitch
Reply to Quinn and Audi on philosophy after objectivity
Discussion of Christopher Peacocke's a study of concepts
Explaining explanation
James Woodward
Comments on Susan Haack's evidence and inquiry
H. S. Thayer
Meaning, models and selection
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Reliabilism and circularity
Markus Lammenranta
Précis of a study of concepts
Evidence and inquiry by Susan Haack
The mad scientist meets the robot cats
Resisting primitive compulsions
Papineau's physicalism
Helen Steward
Working without a net
Can possession conditions individuate concepts?
Fiction and intentionality
Amie L Thomasson
Practically strange
Truth in philosophy
William Throop
New wave psychophysical reductionism and the methodological caveats
J. O'Regan
Précis of truth and objectivity
Crispin Wright
William L. Reid III
Followers of French fashions
Luciano Floridi
Response to commentators
Belief, simulation and the first person
Jane Heal
Honderich on the consequences of determinism
Richard Double
Thought, norms, and discursive practice
Can we take our words at face value?
Gary Ebbs
What makes a causal theory of content anti-skeptical?
Leora Weitzman
Unreflective realism
Timothy Williamson
What's wrong with being strange?
Alan Sidelle
Does warrant entail truth?
Sharon Ryan
Process reliabilism and cartesian scepticism
Christopher S. Hill
Some puzzles about Moser's conditional ontological agnosticism
Minimal truth is realist truth
Realism and determinable properties
Realism and truth
Philip Pettit
Ontology, epistemology, and private ostensive definition
Irwin Goldstein
A lockean theory of memory experience
David Owens
Resisting the step toward naturalism
Anne Bezuidenhout
The justification of a priori intuitions
Paul Tidman
Retribution reconsidered
The formation of concepts and the structure of thoughts
David Bell
The prima/ultima facie justification distinction in epistemology
Thomas D. Senor
The perils of epistemic reductionism
Goldman's new reliabilism
Peter Markie
Radical anti-deflationism
Peter S. Dillard
Epistemological reflection on knowledge of the external world
New foundations of ontology
Herbert Hochberg
The role of good upbringing in Aristotle's ethics
Iakovos Vasiliou
The fine art of repetition
John Fisher
Is consciousness vague or arbitrary?
Understanding human knowledge philosophically
Michael D. Williams
Balance and refinement
David Copp
Realism minus truth
Thomson on the moral specification of rights
William A. Parent, William J. Prior
Could extended objects be made out of simple parts?
Vol. 57
Edward Erwin
The metaphysics of control
David Shatz
John Campbell
Abstraction, inseparability, and identity
Donald L. M. Baxter
Subjects and objects
Quassim Cassam
Laws of nature
Analyticity, necessity, and the epistemology of semantics
The relativity of skepticism
Searle on social institutions
Engineering the mind
A new grandfather paradox?
Theodore Sider
The ethics of culture
David Cooper
Twin pleas
Josefa Toribio
Neorationalist epistemology
Douglas Odegard
What do you do when they call you a "relativist"?
Should I be grateful to you for not harming me?
Saul Smilansky
Review essay
Responsibility and the moral sentiments
Randolph Clarke
Précis of vagueness
Nietzsche on ressentiment and valuation
Bernard Reginster
Moral prejudices
Virginia Held
The philosophy of Michael Dummett
Tadeusz Szubka
So do we know or don't we?
Fred Dretske
An epistemic dimension of blameworthiness
Constrained belief and the reactive attitudes
Jonathan E. Adler
Two types of circularity
I. L. Humberstone
Précis of the construction of social reality
More on Warrant's entailing truth
Was I ever a fetus?
Eric T. Olson
Sense, validity and context
Feeling fine about the mind
Louise M. Antony
Explanatory priority
William Hasker
Responses to critics of the construction of social reality
Beyond formalism
Michael McKinsey
Who makes the rules around here?
Gideon Rosen
"Gravity" in the thought of Simone Weil
Ann Pirruccello
Brandom on representation and inference
Williamson on our ignorance in borderline cases
Possibilities in philosophy of mind
Charles Taliaferro
Précis of making it explicit
Getting in touch with numbers
Colin Cheyne
Scott-Kakures on believing at will
Dana Radcliffe
Meaning things and meaning others
Can we be justified in believing that humans are irrational?
Edward Stein
Brandom's making it explicit
You can always count on reliabilism
Michael Levin
Physicalism; the philosophical foundations
Friendship, virtue, and impartiality
Diane Jeske
John Searle's the construction of social reality
David-Hillel Ruben
Externalism, internalism, and knowledge of content
Keith Butler
Unpurged pyrrhonism
Dion's left foot (and the price of burkean economy)
W. R. Carter
Salmon trapping
Takashi Yagisawa
Austrian philosophy
Johannes L Brandl
Husserl, Wittgenstein and the snark
Grant Gillett
Collectives and intentionality
Jennifer Hornsby
Scepticism and science in Descartes
José Luis Bermúdez
The problem of the criterion
G. J. Mattey
Things in themselves
Robert Merrihew Adams
Raw feeling
Practical understanding vs reflective understanding
Truth, fiction, and literature
The nature of vagueness
The common point of view in Hume's ethics
Rachel Cohon
On the compresence of tropes
The ethics of intervention
Julia Driver
Précis of past, space and self
Précis of part two
Vol. 58/2
Précis of morality, mortality, vol. 1
What is the phenomenology of thought?
Is experiencing just representing?
Ned J Block
Précis of mental reality
Galen Strawson
What can moral philosophers learn from the study of the brain?
Strawson's agnostic materialism
Paul F. Snowdon
Précis of belief and meaning
Akeel Bilgrami
Fumerton on metaepistemology and skepticism
Stewart Cohen
Replies to Noam Chomsky, Pierre Jacob, Michael Smith, and Paul Snowdon
McDowell, Davidson, and spontaneity
Nonconceptual content defended
The unity of the sentence and the connection of causes
Martha I. Gibson
Through thick and thin
Bernard Berofsky
Foundationalism and the infinite regress of reasons
Peter Klein
Two kinds of skeptical argument
Beyond the limits of thought
Patrick Grim
The unity of justification
Eugene Mills
Language in the world
Robert Stalnaker
Normative concepts and epistemological internalism
Christopher Hookway
Causality, interpretation and the mind
Frederick Stoutland
Churchland on cognitive creativity and the understanding of science
McDowell's oscillation
Causal roles and higher-order properties
On belief about experiences
Martine Nida-Rümelin
Aristotle and the problem of intentionality
Victor Caston
Understanding and belief
David Hunter
Précis of mind and world
Slave morality, Socrates, and the bushmen
Mark Migotti
The sources of normativity
Michael Bratman
Bilgrami's theory of belief and meaning
Functionalism and personal identity
Lawrence H. Davis
Perception and rational constraint
Attitudes without propositions
Mark Balaguer
Essential properties and coinciding objects
Broadening the mind
John Perry
On the matter of minds and mental causation
Valerie Gray Hardcastle
Kamm on fairness
John Broome
Kamm's moral methods
Norman Daniels
Shifting position?
Two cheers for representationalism
White queen psychology and other essays for alice
Self-strengthening empathy
Forgiveness and self-respect
David Novitz
Evaluational illusions and skeptical arguments
Steven L. Reynolds
Semantic realism and Kripke's Wittgenstein
Defining "intrinsic"
Rae Langton, David Lewis
Moral relativism and moral objectivity
Seeing the truth
The concept of personal identity
Steven Rieber
Précis of ten problems of consciousness
Aggregating costs and benefits
In defense of mereological universalism
Michael C. Rea
Expressivist relativism?
Innocence lost
Judith Wagner Decew
Noam Chomsky
Response to discussants
Thomson against moral explanations
Nicholas L. Sturgeon
A Kantian critique of scientific essentialism
Bilgrami on belief and meaning
On Bilgrami's belief and meaning
Précis of the engine of reason, the seat of the soul
Précis of part one
Moral explanation and moral objectivity
Précis of metaepistemology and skepticism
Richard Fumerton
Unity, locality and agency
Jeff Malpas
Galen Strawson and the weather watchers
Ontological arguments and belief in god
Shoemaker on second-order belief
Responses to critics
Replies to my three critics
Moral relativism and quasi-absolutism
Sarah Stroud
Moore and Wittgenstein on certainty
Concepts and consciousness
Vol. 59/2
Vol. 59/4
Keith Lehrer
Knowledge and design
Bruce Hunter
Emotions as judgments
Vol. 59/3
Harmonizing Plato
Degrees of freedom
Vol. 59/1
Mariam Thalos
Seeing sequences
David Galloway
Précis of living high and letting die
Philosophical foundations of the social sciences
Living with one's past
Claudia Card
Précis of evolution of the social contract
Brian Skyrms
David Chalmers's the conscious mind
Brian Loar
Global supervenience and identity across times and worlds
An externalist solution to the "moral problem"
Terence Cuneo
The impossibility of supererogation in Kant's moral theory
Daniel Guevara
Games social animals play
Lehrer on coherence and self-trust
Naturalistic epistemology for eliminative materialists
Alex Rosenberg
Take and give
Thomas Pogge, W. Pogge
Explaining attitudes
Living high and letting die
Peter Singer
The judgment of a weak will
Sergio Tenenbaum
Sacrificing for the good of strangers—repeatedly
Brad Hooker
Resemblance nominalism and the imperfect community
Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra
Local fairness
Cristina Bicchieri
Comments on living high and letting die
Models and reality—a review of Brian Skyrms's evolution of the social contract
Martin Barrett, Ellery Eells, Branden Fitelson, Elliott Sober
Derrida's differance and Plato's different
Samuel C. Wheeler
Endurance, psychological continuity, and the importance of personal identity
Reply to Lynne Rudder Baker
The a priori rules of rationality
Ralph Wedgwood
Shoemaker on self-knowledge and inner sense
Cynthia Macdonald
Peirce's summum bonum and the ethical views of C. I. Lewis and John Dewey
Morton White
Reply to Cynthia Macdonald
Morality and self-interest
James P. Sterba
What am I?
Lynne Rudder Baker
Existential cognition
There are fewer things in reality than are dreamt of in Chalmers's philosophy
Christopher S. Hill , Brian P McLaughlin
The fourth meditation
Lex Newman
Epistemic supervenience revisited
On David Chalmers's the conscious mind
Is there a problem in physicalist epiphenomenalism?
Amir Horowitz
Keystone preferences and autonomy
Mark Johnston's substitution principle
Duncan McFarland
The zombie attack on the computational conception of mind
Selmer Bringsjord
Précis of the therapy of desire
The virtues of virtual machines
Shannon Densmore, Daniel Dennett
Will I be a dead person?
The value of hope
Précis of the conscious mind
David Chalmers
Reply to papers in symposium on Nussbaum, the therapy of desire
Against liberalism
Wallace Matson
Intransitivity and the person-affecting principle
Alastair Norcross
Essays on Henry Sidgwick
Marcus George Singer
Why are the laws of nature so important to science?
Marc Lange
Densmore and Dennett on virtual machines and consciousness
Lewis on finkish dispositions
Jonathan Kvanvig
Materialism and the metaphysics of modality
Larry S. Temkin
Reason, regulation, and realism
Time's arrow and archimedes' point
Nick Huggett
Therapy of desire
Richard Sorabji
William James and the willfulness of belief
Just what is cognitive science anyway?
Jay L. Garfield
More on global supervenience
Oron Shagrir
Berkeley and scepticism
Truth in moral medicine
Brad Inwood
A cause for concern
Daniel Hutto
How many possible worlds are there?
Précis of self-trust
The inescapability of moral Reasons
R. H. Myers
The liar
Vol. 6/3
Alexandre Koyré
Remarks about the phenomenological program
Vol. 6/1
Die Welt der lebendigen Gegenwart und die Konstitution der ausserleiblichen Umwelt
Considered judgment
Vol. 60/3
Self and world
T. R. Baldwin
Causation and persistence
Vol. 60/2
Simply possible
Butler and the nature of self-interest
David Phillips
The unhelpfulness of indeterminism
Vol. 60/1
An argument against the causal theory of action explanation
Scott R. Sehon
Universalism, four dimensionalism, and vagueness
Hud Hudson
On the obvious
Robin Jeshion
Ultimate responsibility in a deterministic world
Alternatives of oneself
Jan Bransen
Deconstructing the mind
John Hawthorne
Reply to Lopes
Real beauty
John W. Bender
The ethics of belief
The false hopes of traditional epistemology
Scepticism and evidence
Fiat and bona fide boundaries
Barry Smith, Achille C. Varzi
Reply to Millikan
Robert Cummins
Wilson on Kripke's Wittgenstein
Michael Kremer
How to build a theory in cognitive science
Barbara Von Eckardt
Synthetic unities of experience
Leslie Stevenson
Deontology and defeat
Michael Bergmann
Phenomenal character revisited
Reconsidering difference
Mark Lance
What goes without saying in metaethics
Philip Clark
Religion in the public square
What is it like to see with your ears?
Dominic Lopes
Linda Zagzebski's virtues of the mind
Virtue epistemology and the epistemology of virtue
Paul Bloomfield
Good advice and rational action
Eric Wiland
Representations, targets and attitudes
Ruth Garrett Millikan
Shoemaker's the first-person perspective and other essays
Divided minds and successive selves
Ronald de Sousa
Zagzebski on justification
Moral rationalism and moral commitment
James Doyle
A new defense of Gadamer's hermeneutics
David Weberman
Précis of the significance of free will
Robert Kane
Carnap's construction of the world
Précis of virtues of the mind
Linda Zagzebski
The human animal
Jim Stone
Responses to Bernard Berofsky, John Martin Fischer and Galen Strawson
Williamson on skepticism and evidence
Response to Lehrer
Edward Craig
Two kinds of intellectual virtue
Dretske on epistemic entitlement
Bayes or bust?
Alan Hájek, Brian Skyrms
Discursive knowledge
Skepticism as a theory of knowledge
Ought we to follow our evidence?
Metaphysics, metontology, and the end of being and time
Coming to our senses
David Braun
Virtue and knowledge
The problem of the criterion in rule-following
Tomoji Shogenji
The direct argument for incompatibilism
Vol. 61/2
Eleonore Stump
Causal laws and singular causation
Brian Ellis
Direct realism and the brain-in-a-vat argument
Michael Huemer
Iceberg epistemology
Vol. 61/3
David W. Henderson, Terence Horgan
Seeing and demonstration
Vol. 61/1
John Hawthorne, Mark Scala
The non-governing conception of laws of nature
Helen Beebee
Points of view
David B. Martens
Skepticism and possibilities
On interpreting Kant's thinker as Wittgenstein's "I"
Patricia Kitcher
To what must an epistemology be true?
Mark Kaplan
An analysis of pleasure vis-à-vis pain
Murat Aydede
Denying existence
Analyticity and Katz's new intensionalism
Jonathan Cohen
Perdurance and psychological continuity
What was Hume's problem with personal identity?
Abraham Sesshu Roth
The world without, the mind within
Brie Gertler
Skin deep or in the eye of the beholder?
Nick Zangwill
The irrelevance of indeterministic counterexamples to principle beta
Thomas M. Crisp, T. A. Warfield
Fischer and Ravizza on moral responsibility and history
Sketches of landscapes
Alastair Hannay
What are physical objects?
Finding an intrinsic account of identity
Scepticism and the foundation of epistemology
Robert P. Amico
Representation and the mind-body problem in Spinoza
Cross-modality and the self
Jonardon Ganeri
Adam Smith and the virtues of enlightenment
James R. Otteson
Descartes and Augustine
Gareth B. Matthews
Personal identity and psychological continuity
Michael C. Rea, David Silver
A dispositional account of self-knowledge
Steven Yalowitz
Critical reasoning, understanding and self-knowledge
Jessica Brown
Expressivism and embedding
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
An essay on the modern state
David Schmidtz
Acting together
Christopher Kutz
Naturalized sense data
Dispositions and fetishes
Colour-dispositionalism and its recent critics
J. Harvey
The reliability of testimony
Peter J. Graham
Passion and action
Marleen Rozemond
Donald Rutherford
The refutation of substrata
Reid's account of localization
Dignity and vulnerability, strength and quality of character
Anthony Cunningham
Reactive attitudes, reactivity, and omissions
Roboroach, or, the extended phenotype meets cognitive science
Vision and cognition in picture perception
Vol. 62/3
Robert Schwartz
The kinds of things
Vol. 62/1
Raymond Martin
My quarrels with Nelson Goodman
Israel Scheffler
Avowals and first-person privilege
Vol. 62/2
Dorit Bar-On, Douglas C. Long
Object and property
Phenomenology and nonconceptual content
Trust within reason
David Gauthier
Happiness and pleasure
Daniel M. Haybron
Hume's reflections on the identity and simplicity of mind
Donald C. Ainslie
Ethics, supervenience and Ramsey sentences
The non-conceptual content of perceptual experience
Sean D. Kelly
On nominalism
Geoffrey Hellman
Précis of from metaphysics to ethics
Metaphysics without conceptual analysis
Wittgenstein's thought in transition
John Koethe
Varieties of vagueness
Two conceptions of reasons for action
Ruth Chang
Reason and commitment
David Owen
The legacy of Nelson Goodman
Catherine Z. Elgin
The paradox of perspectivism
Justified morality
Kurt Baier
The invention of autonomy
Comment on Richard Schantz, "The given regained"
Real history
Rex Martin
Three methods of ethics
Mark Van Roojen
Précis of morality
Articulating an uncompromising forgiveness
Pamela Hieronymi
Mental causation versus physical causation
Is the general point of view the moral point of view?
Charlotte Brown
Commentary on Frank Jackson's from metaphysics to ethics
Katalin Balog
Understanding alien morals
Gopal Sreenivasan
Précis of cognition and commitment in Hume's philosophy
Blackburn's problem
Jordan Howard Sobel
Wishing it were now some other time
Beyond evolution
Michael Bradie
What Moore's paradox is about
Claudio de Almeida
Contextualist swords, skeptical plowshares
Bredo Johnsen
Gert on the limits of morality's requirements
Harmless naturalism
Andrew D. Cling
Jackson's empirical assumptions
Stephen Stich, Jonathan M. Weinberg
Postmodernism's use and abuse of Nietzsche
Chalmers on the justification of phenomenal judgments
Tim Bayne
Putting the image back in imagination
Amy Kind
Temporal phase pluralism
David Braddon-Mitchell, Caroline West
Against internalism about reasons—Gert's rational options
A subject with no object
Thomas Hofweber
The given regained
Richard Schantz
Two conceptions of the physical
Daniel Stoljar
Knowledge in action
John Gibbons
Gert on rationality, intrinsic value, and the overridingness of morality
Does freudian theory resolve "the paradoxes of irrationality"?
Adolf Grünbaum
Freud and the question of pseudoscience
Causal asymmetries
Brandom's burdens
Vol. 63/2
Thinking with your hypothalamus
Vol. 63/3
David Zimmerman
Fiction and metaphysics
Achille C. Varzi
Maximality and intrinsic properties
The contingent a priori and implicit knowledge
Jonathan Sutton
Seeing through self-deception
Vol. 63/1
Alvin Goldman
The philosophical computer
Nicole Wyatt
Intrinsic properties and natural relations
Mental causation
Eric Marcus
Donnellan on neptune
The epistemology of the cyrenaic school
R. J. Hankinson
Précis of in defense of pure reason
Laurence Bonjour
Dignity and vulnerability
Neera K. Badhwar
Parts and pretense
Inference and insight
"Portraying" a proposition
Mark Textor
Digging deeper for the a priori
Introspecting phenomenal states
Experience and a priori justification
Empiricism, rationalism and the limits of justification
Tamar Gendler
Sensing values?
Langton and Lewis on "intrinsic"
Dan Marshall, Josh Parsons
The worlds of possibility
Bernard Linsky
A proliferation of liberties
Consciousness, acquaintance and demonstrative thought
Naomi Eilan
An argument that internalism requires infallibility
On making sense (and nonsense) of Heidegger
Taylor Carman
Modality, normativity, and intentionality
Rationality and puzzling beliefs
Neil Feit
Brandom on modality, normativity and intentionality
Moral appraisability
Michael McKenna
How are we to interpret Heidegger's oeuvre?
Marshall and Parsons on "intrinsic"
Epistemic openness and perceptual defeasibility
M. G. F. Martin, M. F. Martin
Friendship and reasons of intimacy
Morality without foundations
Michael Gorr
Overintellectualizing the mind
S. L. Hurley
Platonism and anti-Platonism in mathematics
Matthew McGrath
The paradox of self-consciousness
Adam Morton
Brewer, direct realism, and acquaintance with acquaintance
The authority of affect
Mark Johnston
General foundations versus rational insight
Is affect always mere effect?
Précis of perception and reason
Bill Brewer
Fieldwork in familiar places
David B. Wong
Intrinsic properties and combinatorial principles
Brian Weatherson
Defending desire
Steven Arkonovich
Redefining "intrinsic"
David Lewis
Lynch's metaphysical pluralism
Integrating Hume's accounts of belief and justification
From friendship to marriage
Lara Denis
Vol. 64/1
On the explanatory role of correspondence truth
Vol. 64/2
Practical realism?
The epistemological argument against descriptivism
Veritistic value and the project of social epistemology
Peacocke's theory of modality
Vol. 64/3
Is conceptual analysis needed for the reduction of qualitative states?
Janet Levin
Précis of being known
The principle-based account of modality
Persons and bodies
Dean W. Zimmerman
Epistemicist models
The possibility of metaphysics
Gary Rosenkrantz
Inconsistent languages
Matti Eklund
Stroud's Carnap
Marc Alspector-Kelly
Self-knowledge failures and first person authority
Mark McCullagh
Critical study of Carol Rovane's the bounds of agency
Blameworthy action and character
George Sher
Knowledge and the internal revisited
On knowing what is necessary
Vagueness and margin for error principles
Mario Gómez-Torrente
Peacocke on modality
Homogeneous simples
Mark Scala
Innoculi innocula
Précis of persons and bodies
Sellars vs. the given
Daniel Bonevac
Normative and recognitional concepts
The case for incompatibilism
Obligation, divine commands and Abraham's dilemma
Reply to Hawthorne
The law of peoples, with "the idea of public reason revisited"
Charles Larmore
Wallace's "Kantian" Strawsonianism
James Montmarquet
Transcendence and human values
Lynne Baker on material constitution
Reliability and the value of knowledge
Wayne Riggs
A world of goods
Innocuous infallibility
Précis of finite and infinite goods
Responsibility, reactive attitudes and free will
Exemplarizing and self-presenting states
Causation as a philosophical relation in Hume
Graciela De Pierris
Obligation, good motives, and the good
Self-presentation, representation and the self
On obscenity
Matthew Kieran
Goldman on the goals of democracy
William James and the metaphysics of experience
On Baker's persons and bodies
Reply to Fumerton
Descartes's theory of distinction
Paul Hoffman
The case for a more truly social epistemology
William J. Talbott
An anti-epistemicist consequence of margin for error semantics for knowledge
Delia Graff
Practical identities and autonomy
Christopher W. Gowans
Précis of knowledge in a social world
Korsgaard's private-reasons argument
Joshua Gert
Wallace's "normative approach" to moral responsibility
Hilary Bok
Précis of understanding truth
Vol. 65/2
Scott Soames
Free will and scientiphicalism
Vol. 65/1
Soames on vagueness
Critical commentary on unto others
Vol. 65/3
Agent-centered morality
At "permanent risk"
Ruth Millikan's on clear and confused ideas
David Papineau , Nicholas Shea
Semantic values?
Heidegger's philosophy of being
Basic knowledge and the problem of easy knowledge
Reflections on the ontological status of persons
Meaning and use
A half dozen puzzles regarding intrinsic attitudinal hedonism
Michael R. Depaul
Some problems for reductive physicalism
From reduction to type-type identity
Typing problems
Richard Feldman, Earl Conee
Sober and Wilson on psychological altruism
Dale Jamieson
Take it from me
Cause and explanation in ancient Greek thought
(Anti-)sceptics simple and subtle
The ontological status of persons
The good life
Commentary on Sober and Wilson, unto others
Faces of intention
Précis of the grammar of meaning
Mark Lance, John Hawthorne
Comments on Jaegwon Kim's mind and the physical world
Barry Loewer
Brief reply to Rosenkrantz's comments on my "the ontological status of persons"
Comments on two of DePaul's puzzles
Can arboreal knotwork help Blackburn out of Frege's abyss?
Bob Hale
Is the generality problem too general?
Jonathan E. Adler, Michael Levin
Internalism explained
Humean and anti-humean internalism about moral judgements
Truth or meaning?
John Collins
Receptivity and our knowledge of intrinsic properties
Précis of mind in a physical world
Partially defined predicates and semantic pathology
Anil Gupta
Quasi-realism and relativism
A. W. Moore
A normative theory of meaning
Mind in a physical world?
Marcelo Sabatés
Précis of ruling passions
Group selection, pluralism, and the evolution of altruism
Matthew Barrett, Peter Godfrey-Smith
The standard meter by any name is still a meter long
Heather J. Gert
Eudaimonia, external results, and choosing virtuous actions for themselves
Jennifer Whiting
Metaphysics and its task
Panayot Butchvarov
Comments on Soames' understanding truth
Jamie Tappenden
The expressivist circle
Stewart Shapiro's philosophy of mathematics
Harold T. Hodes
Sellars and the "myth of the given"
Which passions rule?
Hegel's idea of a phenomenology of spirit
Merold Westphal
Deeply contingent a priori knowledge
Nietzsche contra Darwin
John Richardson
Vol. 66/1
Color and similarity
Vol. 66/3
Dynamics in action, intentional behavior as a complex system
Vol. 66/2
Heidegger, language, and world-disclosure
Greco's agent reliabilism
Decent people
Van Cleve and Kant's analogies
Rolf George
Epistemic rationality as instrumental rationality
Thomas Kelly
Tropic of value
Wlodek Rabinowicz , Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen
Are we moral debtors?
Two kinds of commitments (and two kinds of social groups)
Talbot M. Brewer
Believing in things
Szabó Zoltán
Analyticity and incorrigibility
Manuel Campos
Maximality and consciousness
When infinite regresses are not vicious
Prospects for a naturalist libertarianism
John Mark Bishop
Counterexamples to principle beta
Erik Carlson
De-moralizing disgustingness
Christopher Knapp
Contextualism and the problem of the external world
Ram Neta
Self-governance & cooperation
Turning toward philosophy
Hugh H. Benson
Précis of problems from Kant
Reasons to reject allowing
Was Jekyll Hyde?
Faith with reason
The epistemic/ontic divide
Barbara Montero
Infallibilism and Gettier's legacy
Daniel Howard-Snyder, Frances Howard-Snyder, Neil Feit
"This is simply what I do"
Catherine Legg
The problem of free mass
Jonathan Schaffer
Finite beings, finite goods
Richard N. Boyd
François Recanati's Oratio obliqua, oratio recta
Problems from Kant by James Van Cleve
Rae Langton
Comment on John Greco's putting skeptics in their place
Reza Lahroodi, Frederick F. Schmitt
Making it implicit
Anandi Hattiangadi
Disciplined syntacticism and moral expressivism
James Lenman
Self-supporting arguments
What the deflationist may say about truthmaking
Simple reliabilism and agent reliabilism
Emotion and moral judgment
Infinitism redux?
Carl Gillett
Précis of putting skeptics in their place
The dappled world
Anjan Chakravartty
Further thoughts on agent reliabilism
Problems from Van Cleve's Kant
Externalism, slow switching and privileged self-knowledge
Hamid Vahid
Engaging reason
Kant's impure ethics
Plato's reception of Parmenides
Scott Austin
Maximality and microphysical supervenience
Do causal powers drain away?
Vol. 67/1
Revisiting the tropic of value
Vol. 67/2
Jonas Olson
Philosophy and its epistemic neuroses
Douglas McDermid
Précis of objects and persons
Vol. 67/3
Précis of practical reality
Jonathan Dancy
Two accounts of objective reasons
Christian Piller
Self-deception, interpretation and consciousness
Paul Noordhof
Subjective, intersubjective, objective
Skepticism, contextualism, and semantic self-knowledge
Realism and human kinds
Realization, micro-realization, and coincidence
Perceptual entitlement
Tyler Burge
Merricks on the existence of human organisms
Cian Dorr
Social anti-individualism, objective reference
Physical causation
Robert C. Koons
Scepticism and its sources
Samir Okasha
Blocking causal drainage and other maintenance chores with mental causation
Deflationism, the problem of representation, and Horwich's use theory of meaning
What are emotions about?
Lilli Alanen
How Berkeley can maintain that snow is white
Margaret Atherton
Living without free will
A middle way to god
"Two dogmas" -- all bark and no bite?
Paul A. Gregory
In defense of moderate-sized specimens of dry goods
Concepts and conceptual analysis
Stephen Laurence, Eric Margolis
Psychologism and humeanism
Wayne A. Davis
Experience and foundationalism in Audi's the architecture of reason
Anti-consequentialism and the transcendence of the good
Audi on rationality
Desires, reasons, and causes
The transcendental necessity of morality
Joseph Heath
Ostension and the social character of thought
Descartes on the cognitive structure of sensory experience
Alison Simmons
John Dancy
Specific and generic objects in Cavell and Thomas Aquinas
Abraham D. Stone
Indoctrination, coercion and freedom of will
Gideon Yaffe
Spinoza's proof of necessitarianism
Olli Koistinen
Margaret Gilbert
Humeanism, psychologism, and the normative story
Audi on substantive vs instrumental rationality
Woodcutters and witchcraft
Karsten B. Steuber
Responses to Barry Stroud, John McDowell, and Tyler Burge
Donald Davidson
Hume's reason
Theories of vagueness
Précis of the architecture of reason
What's so bad about overdetermination?
Experience and inference in the grounding of theoretical and practical Reasons
Qualia that it is right to Quine
Manuel García-Carpintero
Are concepts mental representations or abstracta?
Vol. 68/1
Temporally incongruent counterparts
Vol. 68/2
Sympathy, discernment, and reasons
Garrett Cullity
Comments on Theodore Sider's four dimensionalism
Vol. 68/3
What is wrong with foundationalism is that it cannot solve the epistemic regress problem
Richard Foley's intellectual trust in oneself and others
External freedom in Kant's Rechtslehre
Jennifer K. Uleman
Phenomenal concepts and higher-order experiences
Peter Carruthers
Reality and colours
Nussbaum's account of compassion
John Deigh
Rights externalism
Derrick Darby
Williamson on vagueness and context-dependence
Autonomous agents
Aristotle on the homonymy of being
Frank A. Lewis
From the good will to the formula of universal law
Samuel C. Rickless
What's not wrong with foundationalism
Transcendental idealism in the "aesthetic"
Kieran Setiya
Two arguments from Sider's four-dimensionalism
Of ghostly and mechanical events
Kantian morals and humean motives
The metaphysics of perspective
Précis of upheavals of thought
Précis of knowledge, possibility and consciousness
Précis of the quest for reality
Charity implies meta-charity
Comments on Ted Sider
André Gallois
Evolution, epiphenomenalism, reductionism
"Partist" resistance to the many
Imagination, indexicality, and intensions
Review essay on dynamics of reason
Philosophy of mind meets logical theory
Nondoxastic perceptual evidence
The book of evidence
Stathis Psillos
Brandom on the normativity of meaning
Lionel Shapiro
Philo of larissa
Thomas A. Blackson
Précis of four-dimensionalism
Global supervenience and dependence
Karen Bennett
A use theory of meaning
Open questions and the manifest image
Mark Eli Kalderon
An invalid argument for contextualism
The problem with subject-sensitive invariantism
Stroud's quest for reality
Replies to Gallois, Hirsch and Markosian
Realism, scepticism and the lament for an archimedean point
Justin Broackes
Proper basicality
Subjective character and reflexive content
Consciousness, color, and content
"It is no little thing to make mine eyes to sweat compassion"
Rule-following and externalism
Aesthetic testimony
Vol. 69/1
Aaron Meskin
In search of direct realism
Vol. 69/2
Have your cake and eat it too
Peter B. M. Vranas
A shaggy soul story
Vol. 69/3
Raphael Woolf
Epicurean equanimity towards death
Kai Draper
Ideal code, real world
Mark Timmons
Indicator reliabilism
James Chase
Endorsement and autonomous agency
François Schroeter
On the "Gray's elegy" argument and its bearing on Frege's theory of sense
James Levine
Uneasy virtue
Roger Crisp
Autonomy and idealism in and after Kant
Eric Watkins
Commentary on John Dupré's human nature and the limits of science
Self-knowledge, responsibility, and the third person
Epistemic circularity
Justification and the social nature of knowledge
Kevin Meeker
Imagining possibilities
Dominic Gregory
On the conceptual, psychological, and moral status of zombies, swamp-beings, and other "behaviourally indistinguishable" creatures
Julia Tanney
Skepticism, contextualism, and discrimination
Defeating dr. Evil with self-locating belief
Adam Elga
Consciousness is puzzling, but not paradoxical
The ethical advantages of free will subjectivism
Moran's authority and estrangement
Quantification and realism
Michael Glanzberg
Unmasking and dispositionalism
Agnosticism about other worlds
John Divers
Temporal parts and the possibility of change
David S. Oderberg
Comments on authority and estrangement
Virtue epistemology
Critical scientific realism
Subjectivism and "unmasking"
Memory and externalism
Sven Bernecker
How things persist
Doing things for reasons
G. F. Schueler
Avowal and unfreedom
Jonathan Lear
Locke's Essay, book I
Raffaella De Rosa
Consciousness and cognition
Skepticism and the veil of perception
Coherence as a test for truth
Robert Stern
Précis of authority and estrangement
Replies to Heal, Reginster, Wilson, and Lear
The phenomenology of cognition
David Pitt
The nature of intrinsic value
Ben Bradley
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Vol. 7/1
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Remarks on Gurwitsch's "The object of thought"
Vol. 7/3
Lewis White Beck , Fritz Heider
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On the object of thought
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Briefe Franz Brentanos an Hugo Bergmann
Phenomenology and epistemology of consciousness of objects
Karl Dunker
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Altruism, grief, and identity
Vol. 70/2
Colour inversion problems for representationalism
Vol. 70/1
Fiona MacPherson
An epistemic argument for enduring human persons
Physical-object ontology, verbal disputes, and common sense
Telling as inviting to trust
Vol. 70/3
Edward S. Hinchman
Kant's conception of analytic judgment
Ian Proops
The epistemology of non-instrumental value
Free variation and the intuition of geometric essences
Richard Tieszen
Epistemic justification
Thoughts without distinctive non-imagistic phenomenology
William S. Robinson
Emotion and peace of mind
Bonnie Kent
Précis of what am I?
Joseph Almog
Is semantic information meaningful data?
Michael Della Rocca
The divine attributes
Descartes, the cartesian circle, and epistemology without god
Memory as a generative epistemic source
Jennifer Lackey
Not giving the skeptic a hearing
Erik J. Olsson
Concepts and epistemic individuation
The comforts of home
Intrinsicality without naturalness
Gene Witmer, William Butchard, Kelly Trogdon
Social empiricism
Frederick F. Schmitt
Universalizability for collective rational agents
Michael Ridge
A theory of freedom
Easy knowledge
Minimizing inaccuracy for self-locating beliefs
Brian Kierland, Bradley Monton
The nature of consciousness
William Lycan
The price of doubt
Baron Reed
Epistemological externalism and the project of traditional epistemology
Adam Leite
Knowledge, evidence, and skepticism according to Williamson
Why there still are no people
Anselmian atheism
Should we respond to evil with indifference?
Chance and counterfactuals
Perception and representation
Almog on Descartes's mind and body
Knowledge and evidence
Précis of knowledge and its limits
Difficulties for the reconciling and estranging projects
Deontic morality and control
Michael Zimmerman
Prime causation
You must have thought this book was about you
John Dupré
Why basic knowledge is easy knowledge
Moral explanations of moral beliefs
Vol. 71/1
Words without knowledge
Vol. 71/3
Graham Priest
Graham Oppy
Naturalizing subjective character
Uriah Kriegel
Fiction, indifference, and ontology
Universals as sense-data
On being happy or unhappy
Vol. 71/2
True to life: why truth matters by Michael P. Lynch
Comments on John Doris's lack of character
Précis of lack of character
John M. Doris
"Wholly present" defined
Thomas M. Crisp, Donald P. Smith
Replies: evidence and sensibility
Reason internalism
Précis of knowledge and its place in nature
Précis of vagueness and contradiction
Truth, thinking, testimony and trust
Moral responsibility and Tourette syndrome
Timothy Schroeder
Comments on lack of character by John Doris
Nomy Arpaly
Is conceptualist realism a stable position?
Remarks on David Papineau's thinking about consciousness
Replies to Alvin Goldman, Martin Kusch and William Talbott
A reply to critics
The mystery of the missing boundary
Dorothy Edgington
Self-knowledge, rationality and Moore's paradox
Jordi Fernández
Not passion's slave
Jerome Neu
From republic to democracy
Papineau on phenomenal concepts
Tim Crane
Truth without objectivity
Does the subject of experience exist in the world?
E. J. Bond
Précis of sameness and substance renewed
David Wiggins
Semantic pathology and the open pair
James A. Woodbridge
Nietzsche on morality by Brian Leiter
Ken Gemes, Christopher Janaway
Précis of democratic autonomy
Accidentally factive mental states
Meaning, expression, and thought
Response to Pettit, Estlund, and Christiano
The rationality of (a form of) relative identity
Uwe Meixner
Contact with the nomic
John Earman , John T Roberts
Some thoughts about thinking about consciousness
Diana Raffman
"What's character got to do with it?"
Robert Solomon
Universal knowledge
Fallibilism, underdetermination, and skepticism
Fission, fusion and intrinsic facts
Katherine Hawley
What's so rickety?
David Estlund
The ethics of killing by Jeff McMahan
Dennis McKerlie
Kornblith's naturalistic epistemology
The fallacy of respect neglect
Democracy and bureaucracy
Thomas Christiano
Individual and conflict in Greek ethics
Richard Bett
World without design
Précis of thinking about consciousness
Justified vs. warranted perceptual belief
Juan Comesaña
Natural laws in scientific practice by Marc Lange
On the substantive nature of disagreements in ontology
Kathrin Koslicki
Wiggins on persons and human nature
David Bakhurst
Does skeptical theism lead to moral skepticism?
Vol. 72/2
Jeff Jordan
Water and ice
Vol. 72/3
Adam Sennet
Deflationism and the autonomy of truth
Vol. 72/1
Keith Simmons
Beliefs, kinds and rules
Martin Kusch
Virtue ethics
Valerie Tiberius
A philosophy of culture
Ruth Anna Putnam
Monitoring and anti-reductionism in the epistemology of testimony
Sanford C. Goldberg, David W. Henderson
Précis of terms and truth
Alan Berger
Rational ignorance and political morality
Guido Pincione, Fernando R. Tesón
Luck and equality
G. A. Cohen
Words without meaning
Michael Pelczar
Was Hume a proper functionalist?
Précis of thinking how to live
Do things look flat?
Eric Schwitzgebel
Varieties of anti-reductionism about testimony
Elizabeth Fricker
The limits of abstraction
A substitutional theory of truth?
Pronouns as variables
Nathan Salmon
Précis of thought and world
Thinking how to live and the restriction problem
Remarks on Christopher Hill's thought and world
Conceptions of truth
Gerald Vision
Reference and consciousness
Powerful particulars
Replies to Marian David, Anil Gupta, and Keith Simmons
Spinning shadows
Hurley on justice and responsibility
Peter Vallentyne
Reasons for belief
Hannah Ginsborg
Knowledge by agreement
Resemblance nominalism
Jessica Wilson
Comments on Gibbard's thinking how to live
Simon Blackburn, Neil Sinclair
The problematic role of responsibility in contexts of distributive justice
Gary Watson
What the history of vitalism teaches us about consciousness and the "hard problem"
Précis of justice, luck, and knowledge
What do powers do when they are not manifested?
Still mythic after all those years
A probabilistic theory of knowledge
Igal Kvart
Berger on fictional names
Secondary qualities and self-location
Andy Egan
The problem of induction
Gilbert Harman, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni
Disagreeing (about) what to do
Jamie Dreier
Nonconceptual demonstrative reference
Athanassius Raftopoulos, Vincent Muller
Stability and justification in Hume's treatise
James Harris
Moral reasons
Is H20 a liquid, or water a gas?
Presentism and the problem of cross-time relations
Rafael De Clercq
Naturalism and normativity
Seiriol Morgan
Epistemic intuitions and epistemic contextualism
Finn Spicer
Descriptive names vs. descriptive anaphora
Pleasure and illusion in Plato
Jessica Moss
Varieties of minimalist semantics
Vol. 73/2
Kepa Korta
The mind incarnate
William Bechtel
The excluded middle
Hedonism reconsidered
Vol. 73/3
Intrinsic natures
Vol. 73/1
Lucy Allais
Selfless desires
Daniel Nolan
The things we (sorta kinda) believe
John MacFarlane
Vagueness-related partial belief and the constitution of borderline cases
Second-hand knowledge
Epistemic circularity and common sense
Remarks on a foundationalist theory of truth
Consciousness and persons
Daydreams and anarchy
Précis of insensitive semantics
Herman Cappelen, Ernest LePore
Précis of the things we mean
Learning from words
A theory of secondary qualities
Robert Pasnau
Schopenhauer's pessimism
Is incompatibilism intuitive?
Eddy Nahmias, Stephen G. Morris, Thomas Nadelhoffer
Kant's phenomena
Précis of truth and paradox
Tim Maudlin
Maudlin's truth and paradox
Hartry Field
Prosentence, revision, truth, and paradox
Direct realism, introspection, and cognitive science
Naturalism, reduction and normativity
Davidson's transcendental externalism
Jason Bridges
Divine motivation theory
Epistemic circularity squared?
Existence and predication from Aristotle to Frege
Risto Vilkko, Jaakko Hintikka
Memory, expression, and past-tense self-knowledge
William Child
Direct realism and perceptual consciousness
Susanna Siegel
Kant on transcendental freedom
Can there be full excuses for morally wrong actions?
Eduardo Rivera-López
Testing for context-dependence
The conception of a person as a series of mental events
Scott Campbell
"Bamboozled by our own words"
Schiffer's new theory of propositions
The potential information analysis of seeing
Antiskeptical conditionals
Theodore J. Everett
The return of the tabula rasa by Kim Sterelny
Vol. 74/2
Stefan Linquist, Alex Rosenberg
What the disjunctivist is right about
Vol. 74/1
Alan Millar
Moral realism
The lovely and the probable
Christopher Hitchcock
Compassionate phenomenal conservatism
Response to Fumerton, Marti, Reimer and Stroud
Vol. 74/3
Howard Wettstein
Making things happen
Michael Strevens
Justified judging
Alexander Bird
The value of knowledge and the pursuit of understanding by Jonathan Kvanvig
Michael R. Depaul, Stephen R. Grimm
A puzzle about properties
Berit Brogaard
Inference to the only explanation
Anti-individualism and knowledge
Sanford C. Goldberg
What is wrong with moral testimony?
Robert Hopkins
McDowell and the new evil genius
Ram Neta, Duncan Pritchard
Real natures and familiar objects
On disgust
The logic of confusion
Caring and internality
Agnieszka Jaworska
Pretense, existence, and fictional objects
Anthony Everett
Semantics balkanized
Mark Wilson
Précis of confusion
Joseph L. Camp
The realm of reason by Christopher Peacocke
Inferential and non-inferential reasoning
Bart Streumer
Libertarianism without inequality
A physicalist manifesto
Inferentialism and some of its challenges
On the phenomenon of "dog- wise arrangement"
Pleasure and the good life
Joseph Mendola
The "magic" of reference
How indirect can indirect utilitarianism be?
Why memory really is a generative epistemic source
Practicing magic
Descartes on the dubitability of the existence of self
David Cunning
Constructivism about practical reasons
Aaron James
The fine structure of inference to the best explanation
Preserving preservationism
Whatever happened to Kant's ontological argument?
Ian Logan
On Williamson's argument for (II) in his anti-luminosity argument
Understanding, excusing, forgiving
Glen Pettigrove
Empty names
Libertarian accounts of free will
On "facts revisited"
The good in the right by Robert Audi
Russ Shafer-Landau
The reasons of love by Harry G. Frankfurt
Précis of inference to the best explanation, 2nd edition
Peter Lipton
A pragmatic dissolution of Harman's paradox
Igor Douven
Brandom beleaguered
Deep conventions
Andrei Marmor
Précis of the magic prism
Visual awareness of properties
Vol. 75/2
Matthew Kennedy
Reconstructing reason and representation
Michael Bishop
Is this a world where knowledge has to include justification?
Vol. 75/1
Literal meaning
Evidence and normativity
Moral animals
Vol. 75/3
Anti-intellectualism and the knowledge-action principle
Knowledge and lotteries by John Hawthorne
The moral demands of affluence by Garrett Cullity
Nietzsche's new Darwinism
The structure of instrumental practical reasoning
Christian Miller
Knowing the answer
Aquinas and weakness of will
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!
Kenneth A. Taylor
Précis of varieties of meaning
Modesty without illusion
Jason Brennan
Interest-relative invariantism
Locke on individuation and the corpuscular basis of kinds
Dan Kaufman
Reply to Bermúdez
Consumers need information
Nicholas Shea
The mere addition paradox, parity and vagueness
Mozaffar Qizilbash
Corruption, non-ideal theory, and grace
Patrick R. Frierson
On the content of experience
Timothy Schroeder, Ben Caplan
Reply to Recanati
Kantian moral humility
Robert Louden
Sentimental rules
Joshua Knobe
The aesthetic function of art
Reply to Rosenberg
Reply to Taylor
On "proper basicality"
Reply to Qizilbash
Précis of Kant and the ethics of humility
Jeanine M. Grenberg
Earman and Roberts on empiricism about laws
Bradford Skow
Comments on Ruth Garrett Millikan's varieties of meaning
An input condition for teleosemantics?
Précis of knowledge and practical interests
Jason Stanley
Objective mind and the objectivity of our minds
Epistemic instrumentalism and reasons for belief
Negation, contrariety, and practical reasoning
Epistemic contextualism as a theory of primary speaker meaning
Replies to Gilbert Harman, Ram Neta, and Stephen Schiffer
What is wrong with lying?
Paul Faulkner
Millikan's theory of signs
François Récanati
Who was Nietzsche's genealogist?
Axiology, realism, and the problem of evil
Nietzsche was no Darwinian
Patrick Forber
Spinoza's arguments for the existence of God
Martin Lin
Desires as reasons
Yonatan Shemmer
On pragmatic encroachment in epistemology
Jeremy Fantl, Matthew McGrath
Cognitive integration and the ownership of belief
Vol. 76/1
Daniel Breyer, John Greco
Testimonial knowledge in early childhood, revisited
Reply to Parsons, reply to Heller, and reply to Rea
Vol. 76/2
Seeing, doing, and knowing
Mohan Matthen
Assertion, practical reason, and pragmatic theories of knowledge
Properties and paradox in Graham Priest's towards non-being
Reply to Egan and Clark
Property dualism, epistemic normativity and the limits of naturalism
Christian Onof
Much ado about nothing
Précis of action in perception
Vol. 76/3
Content and constancy
Truth and predication
Hudson on location
Josh Parsons
Reply to Campbell, Martin, and Kelly
Be careful what you wish for
Hudson fine tunes his way to hyperspace
Vagueness in context
Stewart Shapiro
"Whatever begins to exist must have a cause of existence"
Henry Allison
Review essay on value, reality, and desire
Expression for expressivists
Mark Schroeder
The order of evils
Roberto Poli
Klein on the unity of cartesian and contemporary skepticism
How are basic belief-forming methods justified?
David Enoch, Joshua Schechter
Hyperspace and the best world problem
Three grades of immediate perception
Todd Buras
Classes of sensory classification
Austen Clark
A new argument for nonconceptual content
Adina L. Roskies
Contextualism and the factivity problem
Peter Baumann
Agent reliabilism and the problem of clairvoyance
Scepticism, knowledge, and forms of reasoning
Wright on the McKinsey problem
Teleological realism
Response to gut reactions
David Hills
The roots of evil
Kant's transcendental proof of realism
Georges Dicker
Précis of gut reactions
Jesse Prinz
Art and intention
Robert Stecker
The content of color experience
Frances Egan
Pressing the flesh
Andy Clark
Social psychology, moral character, and moral fallibility
Lorraine Besser-Jones
Response to d'Arms and Hills
Animality and agency
The stoic life
On the methodology of the race debate
Joshua Glasgow
Précis of towards non-being
Sensorimotor knowledge and naïve realism
Thinking about knowing
Jeremy Fantl
Précis of the metaphysics of hyperspace
Replies to Nolan and Kroon
Introduction to a philosophy of music
Stephen Davies
The instability of philosophical intuitions
Stacey Swain, Joshua Alexander, Jonathan M. Weinberg
Reply to Stroud
Vol. 77/2
Vol. 77/1
Richard Joyce
Care ethics and moral theory
Marilyn Friedman
Epistemic goals and epistemic values
Vol. 77/3
Stephen R. Grimm
Reasons for looking
Evolution and the possibility of moral realism
Peter Carruthers, Scott M. James
Cassam and Kant on "how possible" questions and categorical thinking
Béatrice Longuenesse
Wittgenstein and bodily self-knowledge
Edward Harcourt
Response to Strevens
Jim Woodward
Expressivism, inferentialism, and saving the debate
Matthew Chrisman
Is Locke's theory of knowledge inconsistent?
Ecological thinking
Alessandra Tanesini
The metaphysics of harm
Matthew Hanser
Justification without awareness
Ted Poston
The virtue of practical rationality
Sigrún Svavarsdóttir
A functionalist theory of properties
Ann Whittle
A hard-line reply to Pereboom's four-case manipulation argument
The possibility of knowledge
The affirmation of life
Robert Pippin
Epistemology and the psychology of human judgment
Précis of moral scepticisms
Why be an anti-individualist?
Laura Schroeter
Epistemic luck
Replies to Copp, Timmons, and Railton
The causal theory of properties and the causal theory of reference, or how to name properties and why it matters
Robert D. Rupert
"True" as ambiguous
Max Kölbel
Forgiving someone for who they are (and not just what they've done)
Macalester Bell
Some questions about the evolution ofmorality
Stephen Stich
Bad luck once again
Neil Levy
A hard-line reply to the multiple-case manipulation argument
Acquired moral truths
Yual Eylon, David Heyd
Yet another paper on the supervenience argument against coincident entities
Locke's problem concerning perceptual error
Antonia Lolordo
Divine hoorays
Nicholas Unwin
Do we have any justified moral beliefs?
Review essay on Sami Pihlström's Solipsism: history, critique, and relevance
Internalist foundationalism and the problem of the epistemic regress
José L. Zalabardo
Respect for just revenge
Brian Rosebury
Coping with moral uncertainty
Hurley on simulation
Précis of the possibility of knowledge
The epistemological role of episodic recollection
Matthew Soteriou
Against coherence
Reply to Longuenesse
Chances, counterfactuals, and similarity
J. Robert, G. Williams
Understanding simulation
Susan Hurley
Preçis of the evolution of morality
Kitcher and the obsessive unifier
Jeffrey W. Roland
Subjectivity and selfhood
Charles Siewert
Contrastivism, relevance contextualism, and meta-skepticism
Comments on Woodward, making things happen
The conditional analysis of dispositions and the intrinsic dispositions thesis
Vol. 78/3
Sungho Choi
Hearing and seeing musical expression
Vol. 78/1
Vincent Bergeron, Dominic Lopes
Two kinds of self-knowledge
Matthew Boyle
What Mary did yesterday
Vol. 78/2
Knowing the answer redux
Transworld depravity and unobtainable worlds
Richard Otte
When best theories go bad
David K. Manley
Incompatibilism's threat to worldly value
Phenomenal conservatism and self-defeat
Michael DePaul
Evidentialism, vice, and virtue
Jason Baehr
Can "intrinsic" be defined using only broadly logical notions?
Dan Marshall
Reddish green
Martine Nida-Rümelin , Juan Suarez
Huemer's Clarkeanism
Spinoza's metaphysics of substance
Yitzhak Melamed
Broome on moral goodness and population ethics
Transworld depravity, transworld sanctity, & uncooperative essences
Reply to Vallentyne
Fallibilism, epistemic possibility, and concessive knowledge attributions
Trent Dougherty, Patrick Rysiew
Thought by description
Must the fundamental laws of physics be complete?
The humean theory of motivation rejected
Leibniz on natural teleology and the laws of optics
Jeffrey K. McDonough
Knowledge-wh and the problem of convergent knowledge
Jesper Kallestrup
The skeptick's tale
Knowledge and conversation
Allan Hazlett
Properties, minds, and bodies
Putting thoughts to work
Elisabeth Camp
The conventional and the analytic
Manuel García-Carpintero , Manuel Pérez Otero
Précis of ethical intuitionism
Will and representation in the resolution of metaphysical doubt
Ivan Fox
Apology of a modest intuitionist
Perception, content and rationality
Vol. 79/2
Meta-reasoning and practical deliberation
Vol. 79/3
Dan Moller
Empiricism about experience
Atomism, pluralism, and conceptual content
Vol. 79/1
Daniel A. Weiskopf
The duty of self-knowledge
Owen Ware
Does the ignorance hypothesis undermine the conceivability and knowledge arguments?
Torin Alter
Précis of empiricism and experience
Transmission failure explained
Martin Smith
Contextualism, subject-sensitive invariantism, and the interaction of "knowledge"
Michael Blome-Tillmann
The given in experience
Know how to be gettiered?
Equivalence, reliability, and convergence
Primitive agency and natural norms
Living life over again
Inconsistency theories of semantic paradox
Douglas Patterson
Knowing what one wants
Krista Lawlor
Markie, speckles, and classical foundationalism
Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception
Robert Briscoe
Normative appeals to the natural
Pekka Väyrynen
Transparency, intentionalism, and the nature of perceptual content
Jeff Speaks
Truth, value, and epistemic expressivism
Michael Lynch
The murderer at the door
Michael Cholbi
Classical foundationalism and speckled hens
Images, intentionality and inexistence
Ben Blumson
What you don't know can hurt you
Précis of tracking truth
Sherrilyn Roush
What's metaphysical about metaphysical necessity?
Cameron Ross
Précis of ignorance and imagination
Pure and impure stipulata
Cory Juhl
Recursive tracking versus process reliabilism
Response-dependence and normative bedrock
Response to Alter and Bennett
Knowledge, trade-offs, and tracking truth
Peter Godfrey -Smith
Against arguments from reference
Ron Mallon, Edouard Machery, Shaun Nichols, Stephen Stich
Imagining, recognizing and discriminating
Bence Nanay
More work for hard incompatibilism
Tamler Sommers
Assertion and its constitutive norms
Michael Rescorla
The abductivist reply to skepticism
James R. Beebe
Heirs of nothing
Concerning image, idea, and dream
Vol. 8/2
An introduction to the phenomenology of signs
G. Berger, Recherches sur les conditions de la connaissance
Notes from the Husserl-Archives
E. Cassirer, an essay on man
The revival of "The liar": reply
F. S. c. northrop, the meeting of east and west
Raphael Demos
J. hAdamard, the psychology of invention in the mathematical field
Edward Jones
M. wertheimer, productive thinking
J. somerville, soviet philosophy
M. nicolson, Newton demands the muse
Cornelius Benjamin
The revival of "the liar"
Jehoshua Bar-Hillel
Does naturalism leave obligation out of ethics?
W M Sibley
A. vassallo, que es filosofia?
Edgar S. Brightman
Some comments on professor Wild's criticisms of my views on semiosis
Curt John Ducasse
Modes of reflection
Vol. 8/1
R. frondizi, el punto de partida
Some comments on professor Wild's preceding remarks
On professor Ducasse's explanation of his theory of semiosis
Rightness defined
Archie Bahm
The background of contemporary Mexican thought
Patrick Romanell
Infinite and privative judgments in Aristotle, Averroes, and Kant
Harry Wolfson
Fischer's Reasons
Vol. 80/1
Calvin G. Normore
Substitution, subordination, and responsibility
Vol. 80/3
Skilled activity and the causal theory of action
Responsibility, permissibility, and vicarious agency
Jeff McMahan
On the relationship between propositional and doxastic justification
Vol. 80/2
John Turri
Matter, space and quality
Determinism and our self-conception
Uncompromising source incompatibilism
Seth Shabo
Kamm on collaboration
What reflective endorsement cannot do
Seeing reasons
Jennifer Church
Simulating minds
What is Hume's dictum, and why believe it?
Evidence and faith
Feeling pain for the very first time
Guy Kahane
Impredicative identity criteria
Leon Horsten
Self-knowledge and rationality
The subtraction argument for the possibility of free mass
David Efird, Tom Stoneham
How to be a normative expressivist
Some intricacies
Thomas Scanlon
No power in Unger's world
Stephen Mumford
Biodiversity and all that jazz
Alan Carter
On Mele and Robb's indeterministic Frankfurt-style case
Carl Ginet, David Palmer
Comments on John Fischer's My way
Tense, timely action and self-ascription
Stephan Torre
Rule following
Masahiro Yamada
Good and good for you
Laura Sizer
Précis of all the power in the world
The myth of factive verbs
Between autonomy and authority
Joseph Shieber
Reply to James Van Cleve
The descent of shame
Heidi Maibom
Is evidence knowledge?
Juan Comesaña , Holly Kantin
Reply to Stephen Mumford
Introspective availability
John Kulvicki
Précis of indicate ethics
Kant and the claims of the poor
Vol. 81/2
Pablo Gilabert
Precis of self-knowledge and resentment
Vol. 81/3
Must an appearance of succession involve a succession of appearances?
Vol. 81/1
The reflective epistemic renegade
Bryan Frances
Comments on A. K. Bilgrami's self-knowledge and resentment
Thomas Baldwin
The mind as neural software?
Gualtiero Piccinini
Lessons from causal exclusion
Lawrence A. Shapiro
Three arguments from temporary intrinsics
M. Eddon
Replies to Tom Baldwin and Calvin Normore
Semantics as information about semantic values
Paul Hovda
Proper names and practices
Ghosts and sparse properties
Philip Goff
Non-conceptual experiential content and Reason-giving
Hemdat Lerman
Rabbits astray and significance awandering
Michael Liston
The way things were
David Sanson, Ben Caplan
Context sensitivity and indirect reports
Nellie Wieland
The harmony of Spinoza and Leibniz
Samuel Newlands
A problem for relational theories of color
Edward O. Wilson, Allan Hazlett
Varieties of coreference
Higher-order evidence
Comments on Scott Soames' 'coordination problems'
Kit Fine
Reply to Lawlor's 'varieties of coreference'
Desires as demands
Tamar Schapiro
The spatial content of experience
Brad Thompson
Persons as sui generis ontological kinds
Kristie Miller
Reply to Schapiro, Smith/Strabbing, and Yaffe
Comments on Paul Hovda's "semantics as information about semantics values"
Voluntary belief on a reasonable basis
Philip J. Nickel
Knowledge and assertion
Comment on Stephen Darwall's The second person standpoint
Seeing other people
Joel Smith
Bootstrapping in general
Jonathan Weisberg
Curiosity was framed
Dennis Whitcomb
Imagining as a guide to possibility
Peter Kung
A return to the analogy of being
Kris McDaniel
Moral obligation, accountability, and second-personal reasons
Coordination problems
Things that make things reasonable
Luminosity, reliability, and the sorites
Fool's good and other issues
Mechanisms, causes, and the layered model of the world
Stuart Glennan
On the rational contribution of experiential transparency
Vol. 82/3
Christopher Frey
Time dilation, context, and relative truth
Vol. 82/1
N. Ángel Pinillos
Appearances, rationality, and justified belief
Alexander Jackson
Quantifiers, knowledge, and counterfactuals
Vol. 82/2
Jonathan Ichikawa
Intrinsicality and hyperintensionality
Robots, action, and the "essential indexical"
Paul Teller
Frey on experiendal transparency and its rational role
Truthmaker gaps and the no-no paradox
Patrick Greenough
Okasha's unintended argument for toolbox theorizing
C. Kenneth Waters
Experimental semantics
Omissions, responsibility, and symmetry
Abusing one's position
Williamson on the a priori and the analytic
Intellectual virtues
Still more on the metaphysics of harm
Of whales and pendulums
The metaphysical conception of analyticity
Can coherence generate warrant ex nihilo?
Précis of evolution and the levels of selection
Reply to Sober and Waters
Review of Joshua Gert, Brute rationality
Platforms, patchworks, and parking garages
Interestingly dull numbers
Précis of the philosophy of philosophy
Should we want God to exist?
Reply to Peacocke
Justice as a self-regarding virtue
Reply to Boghossian
Does vagueness exclude knowledge?
David Barnett
Precis of the situated self
Jenann Ismael
Reply to Stalnaker
Faultless disagreement and aesthetic realism
Karl Schafer
What is conscious attention?
Wayne Wu
Resisting "weakness of the will"
Review of Ernest LePore and Kirk Ludwig, Donald Davidson's truth-theoretic semantics
Responses to symposiasts
Is desert in the details?
Christopher Freiman, Shaun Nichols
Williamson's philosophy of philosophy
Ismael's Anscombian and Dennettian selves
Reply to Horwich
The puzzle of metacoherence
What intuitions are like
Elijah Chudnoff
Realism, conventionalism, and causal decomposition in units of selection
Intrinsic value and the partiality problem
Hume, distinctions of reason, and differential resemblance
More on the metaphysics of harm
Understanding, modality, logical operators
Vol. 83/1
Concessive knowledge attributions and fallibilism
Vol. 83/3
Clayton Littlejohn
Contingent a priori knowledge
Vol. 83/2
Review of Consciousness and its place in nature
Barry Dainton
Bryan Frances, Scepticism comes alive
Scanlon on double effect
Abduction and modality
Stephen Biggs
Deriving ethics from action
Paul Katsafanas
Content and natural selection
Frege's puzzle and descriptive enrichment
How the world is measured up in size experience
David J. Bennett
Ontological minimalism about phenomenology
Susanna Schellenberg
Is perceptual phenomenology thin?
Farid Masrour
Two methodologies for evaluating intellectualism
Ephraim Glick
Sober on intelligent design
Sahotra Sarkar
The "common sense" in Aristotle's theory of perception
Anna Marmodoro
Truthmaking and case-making
Michelle Mason
Ambivalence, valuational inconsistency, and the divided self
Patricia Marino
Getting it right by accident
Auxiliary hypotheses in evidence and evolution
Roger Sansom
Trivial truthmaking matters
Précis of evidence and evolution
Unenriched subsentential illocutions
Eros Corazza
Favoring, likelihoodism, and bayesianism
Branden Fitelson
Can counterfactuals solve the exclusion problem?
Lei Zhong
Responses to Fitelson, Sansom, and Sarkar
Trenton Merricks' truth and ontology
Kristopher McDaniel
Hopes and dreams
Adrienne M. Martin
Review essay of Dorit Bar-On's Speaking my mind
A priori skepticism
Scanlon on moral dimensions
Précis of truth and ontology
Hawthorne contingent on the deeply a priori
Yuval Avnur
The role of visual language in Berkeley's account of generality
Katherine Dunlop
Resultant luck
Vol. 84/1
Carolina Sartorio
Properties, powers, and the subset account of realization
Vol. 84/3
Paul Audi
Michael Tye on perceptual content
Contextualism, multi-tasking, and third-person knowledge reports
Peter Ludlow
A dual aspect account of moral language
Caj Strandberg
On the reduction of necessity to essence
Fabrice Correia
The idea of freedom and moral cognition in groundwork III
Compatibilism and moral claimancy
How we feel about terrible, non-existent mafiosi
Vol. 84/2
Tyler Doggett, Andy Egan
Phenomenal concepts and the defense of materiahsm
Brian P McLaughlin
Methodological encounters with the phenomenal kind
The attitude of knowledge
Jennifer Nagel
Meaningfulness and time
Antti Kauppinen
In defense of the phenomenal concept strategy
Reverse engineering epistemic evaluations
Sinan Dogramaci
Tye on acquaintance and the problem of consciousness
Relativized propositions and the Fregean orthodoxy
Iris Einheuser
Precis of consciousness revisited
Abstraction and depth in scientific explanation
Assertion and practical reasoning
Forgiveness and standing
Kevin Zaragoza
Reply to Crane, Jackson and McLaughlin
Precis of the case for contextualism
Objective being and "ofness" in Descartes
Replies to Nagel, Ludlow, and Fantl and McGrath
Composition as identity doesn't settle the special composition question
Explanation, idealisation and the Goldilocks problem
Group testimony?
Miranda Fricker
Do extrinsic dispositions need extrinsic causal bases?
Gabriele Contessa
Précis of depth
Contextualism and subject-sensitivity
Comments on Michael Strevens's depth
Ned Hall
Goodness and justice
Replies to Weatherson, Hall, and Lange
Cognitive penetration of colour experience
Skorupski's middle way in metaethics
Vol. 85/1
Vol. 85/3
Catharine Abell
The case against purity
Vol. 85/2
In defense of a Kripkean dogma
Jonathan Ichikawa, Ishani Maitra, Brian Weatherson
Nicholas white, a brief history of happiness
The paradox of fission and the ontology of ordinary objects
Thomas Sattig
Locke and the visual array
Michael Jacovides
Intellectualism and the objects of knowledge
Being positive about negative facts
Stephen Barker, Mark Jago
Spinoza on destroying passions with reason
Colin Marshall
Showing how to derive knowing how
Skill before knowledge
Imogen Dickie
Why does time seem to pass?
Simon Prosser
Intuitions and experiments
Moore's paradox and the accessibility of justification
Declan Smithies
Précis of the domain of reasons
John Skorupski
Conditional excluded middle without the limit assumption
Eric Swanson
On possibly nonexistent propositions
Non-reductive physicalism cannot appeal to token identity
Susan Schneider
The value question in metaphysics
Nathan L. King
Reply to Cassam, Olson, and Railton
Semantic sovereignty
Stephen Kearns, Ofra Magidor
Updating as communication
Sarah Moss
"One second per second"
Resisting encroachment
Precis of know how
Incompatibilism and the past
Andrew Bailey
Replies to Dickie, Schroeder and Stalnaker
Mental maps
A (different) virtue epistemology
Précis of knowledge in an uncertain world
What makes a manipulated agent unfree?
Chandra Sekhar Sripada
The critical project today
Replies to Cohen, Neta and Reed
Review of Robert B. Talisse, A pragmatist philosophy of democracy
Whose thought is it?
Marilyn McCord Adams, Cecilia Trifogli
Review of Kalderon, M. E., Moral fictionalism
Does practical rationality constrain epistemic rationality?
Doing away with harm
Epistemic self-audit and warranted reasons
Counterfactual triviality
Radical scepticism without epistemic closure
Sven Rosenkranz
Metaphysics, verbal disputes and the limits of charity
Vol. 86/2
Brendan Balcerak Jackson
Husserl, the absolute flow, and temporal experience
Christoph Hoerl
Seeing what I am doing
Thor Grünbaum
Pereboom's robust nonreductive physicalism
Vol. 86/3
First-person propositions
Vol. 86/1
Peter Hanks
The argument for subject body dualism from transtemporal identity defended
Spinoza's metaphysics of thought
The argument for subject-body dualism from transtemporal identity
Asymmetry and rational ability
If folk intuitions vary, then what?
Edouard Machery, Shaun Nichols, Stephen Stich, Ron Mallon
Dogmatism, underminers and skepticism
Experimental attacks on intuitions and answers
John Bengson
Experimental philosophy, contextualism and ssi
Consciousness, physicalism, and panpsychism
Rational abilities and responsibility
Laura W. Ekstrom
Phenomenal unity, representation and the self
Good news for the disjunctivist about (one of) the bad cases
Heather Logue
Précis of consciousness and the prospects of physicalism
Should reliabilists be worried about demon worlds?
Jack C. Lyons
Validity for strong pluralists
Aaron J. Cotnoir
Replies to Daniel Stoljar, Robert Adams, and Lynne Baker
Mike Ridge
Attention, atomism, and the disunity of consciousness
Moral uncertainty and the principle of equity among moral theories
Andrew Sepielli
Bodily sensation and tactile perceptio
Louise Richardson
Towards being
Richard Woodward
Qualitative inaccuracy and unconceived alternatives
Précis of the unity of consciousness
Toward a truly social epistemology
Lost in translation
Leibniz on the metaphysics of color
Stephen Puryear
Charity to charity
The essence of dispositional essentialism
Vol. 87/1
David Yates
In defence of absolute goodness
Vol. 87/2
Kitcher on the deduction
Internalism and externalism in the epistemology of testimony
Vol. 87/3
Mikkel Gerken
Précis of Kant's thinker
Replies to Rödl, Ginsborg, and Allais
Troubles with Plantinga's reading of Millikan
Defending the evidential value of epistemic intuitions
Coming to terms with our human fallibility
Reading writing the book of the world
Qualia compression
Lieven Decock , Igor Douven
An appearance of succession requires a succession of appearances
Oliver Rashbrook
Kant's perceiver
Subjunctive credences and semantic humility
A unified empirical account of responsibility judgments
Gunnar Björnsson
Fundamental truth and fundamental terms
Belief in absolute necessity
John Divers, José Edgar González-Varela
Mitigating soft compatibilism
Justin A. Capes
Self-location and other-location
Dilip Ninan
Faith in humanity
Ryan Preston-Roedder
Do different groups have different epistemic intuitions?
Promoting value as such
Evan G. Williams
Evidential support and instrumental rationality
Peter Brössel
Précis of writing the book of the world
Afterimages and sensation
Ian Phillips
Replies to Dorr, Fine, and Hirsch
Noneism, ontology, and fundamentality
Tatjana von Solodkoff , Richard Woodward
Précis: against absolute goodness
Heidegger's metaphysics of material beings
Replies to Stroud, Thomson, and Crisp
Skepticism, evidence and entitlement
Testimony as a social foundation of knowledge
The single act of combining
Sebastian Rödl
Libertarianism and human agency
"Good for" supra "good"
The metaphysically best language
Quantitative parsimony and the metaphysics of time
Jonathan Tallant
Replies to Gert, Hurley, and Tenenbaum
Vol. 88/1
Douglas W. Portmore
Comments on Douglas Portmore's Commonsense consequentialism
Paul Hurley
The agony of defeat?
Vol. 88/3
Nicholas Silins
The perils of earnest consequentializing
The contrast-insensitivity of knowledge ascriptions
Reply to Rescorla and Peacocke
Vol. 88/2
Burge's defense of perceptual content
Todd Ganson, Ben Bronner, Alex Kerr
Précis of modal logic as metaphysics
Replies to Bricker, Divers, and Sullivan
Normative reasons contextualism
Tim Henning
Malebranche and the riddle of sensation
Walter Ott
Modal reality and (modal) logical space
The phenomenological problem of perception
Boyd Millar
The methodology of modal logic as metaphysics
Phillip Bricker
Intention and motor representation in purposive action
Stephen Butterfill, Corrado Sinigaglia
Modal logic as methodology
Meghan Sullivan
From mathematical fictionalism to truth-theoretic fictionalism
Bradley Armour-Garb , James A. Woodbridge
Belief, credence, and pragmatic encroachment
Jacob Ross, Mark Schroeder
Conflicting rules and paradox
Colin Johnston
Knowledge under threat
Tomas Bogardus
Higher-order evidence and the limits of defeat
Maria Lasonen-Aarnio
Moral rationalism and Commonsense consequentialism
Explaining away incompatibilist intuitions
Dylan Murray, Eddy Nahmias
One dogma of millianism
Derek Ball, Bryan Pickel
The phenomenological objection to fictionalism
Stuart Brock
Perceptual constancies and perceptual modes of presentation
Moral and rational commitment
Sam Shpall
The causal relevance of content to computation
Counterfactual philosophers
Nathan Ballantyne
Perception, biology, action, and knowledge
Précis: Commonsense consequentialism
Exercising doxastic freedom
Conor McHugh
How to be sure
The constitution of error in the phenomenological reduction
Vol. 9/2
Henry Winthrop
Sartre's theory of the alter ego
A phenomenological critique of psychology
Robert F. Creegan
E. Husserl and J. Joyce, or theory and practice of the phenomenological attitude
Juan David García Bacca