Edmund Husserl's reformulation of philosophy
Vol. 66/2
John Drummond
Husserl on eidetic intuition and historical interpretation
Richard Cobb-Stevens
Consciousness, wonder of all wonders
Ullrich Melle
The manifold meanings of the "life-world" in Husserl's Crisis
John Scanlon
Husserl's notion of authentic community
Philip Buckley
Phenomenology of religion
Louis Dupré
Some Husserlian comments on depiction and art
John Brough
Entelechy in transcendental phenomenology
James G Hart
An Islamic philosophy of virtuous religions
Vol. 80/4
Salman Bashier
After fascism, after the war
Dennis L. Sepper
Marcel at Harvard
Vol. 80/3
Michael Novak
The unconscious and conscious self
Paul Symington
Anselm's definition of free will
Vol. 80/2
Stan R. Tyvoll
Bas van Fraassen on religion and knowledge
Lydia Jaeger
Science of being, science of faith
Michael J. Brogan
Faithful reason
Joseph W. Koterski
Gabriel Marcel and the recovery of philosophy in our time
Peter Redpath
Philosophie hat Geschichte, vol. 2
Philipp W. Roseman
Théologie négative et noms divins chez saint Thomas d'Aquin
Michael B. Ewbank
The thomistic telescope
John Milbank
Ambiguity in the Western mind
James McGuirk
Personalist papers
Siobhan Nash-Marshall
Brian Treanor
The theory of friendship in Erasmus and Thomas More
James McEvoy
The philosophical vision of John Duns Scotus
Lance Byron Richey
Gabriel Marcel on personal immortality
Thomas C. Anderson
The Pinckaers reader
Janet E. Smith
The grace and the severity of the ideal
Vincent Colapietro
Thomas A. Michaud
Tradition, dialectic, and ideology
Aquinas and onto-theology
Merold Westphal
Gabriel Marcel's politics
Marcel and Ricoeur
Patrick Bourgeois
Husserl and Stein
Glenn Chicoine
Aristotle's mean relative to us
Howard J. Curzer
Who's afraid of postmodernism?
Cynthia Nielsen
Wisdom and action guidance in the agent-based virtue ethics of Aristotle
Thomas Sherman
Marcel on God and religious experience, and the critique of Alston and Hick
Brendan Sweetman
Hegel and Anselm on divine mystery
Andrew Cummings
Toward the concrete
Thomas R Flynn
Are Bolzano's substances simple?
Andrej Krause
Adventures of the reduction
Dermot Moran
The suspended middle
Julia Schneider
A journey to consciousness
Katharine Rose Hanley
Philosophy between faith and theology
Vol. 81/3
Gregory B. Sadler
Thomas versus Tibbles
Vol. 81/4
Patrick Toner
"The law was given for the sake of life"
Vol. 81/2
Sean Murphy
Editor's introduction
Jeffrey E. Brower
Between pacifism and Jihad
Vol. 81/1
Anselm and his Islamic contempories on divine necessity and eternity
Katherin A. Rogers
Beauty and the destitution of technology
Joseph Cosgrove
Abelard on context and signification
Ian Wilks
Abelard's assault on everyday objects
Andrew Arlig
The moral status of anger
Michael Rota
Letters to doubting Thomas
Daniel A. Dombrowski
Human dignity in the biotech century
Jason T. Eberl
"In accordance with the law"
A. L. Griffioen
Philosophical investigations into the essence of human freedom
Joseph P Lawrence
Evil as such is a privation
Patrick Lee
On the revival of natural law
Anthony J. Lisska
Abelard (and Heloise?) on intention
Margaret Cameron
Les débuts de l'enseignement de Thomas d'Aquin et sa conception de la sacra doctrina
Philipp Rosemann
Doubts about the privation theory that will not go away
John F. Crosby
Is Suárez's concept of being analogical or univocal?
Daniel Heider
The goodness of being in Lonergan's insight
Patrick H. Byrne
The ambiguity of the self and the construction of human identity in the early Sartre
Stephen Wang
The task of the interpreter
Metaphysics as an Aristotelian science
Joshua Parens
On the difference between social justice and Christian charity
James M. Jacobs
Phronēsis transformed
Thomas P Hohler
Forgiveness and its healing effects in the face of suffering and death
Mariano Crespo
Varieties of religion today
Rethinking the ontological argument
James Ross
Abelard on degrees of sinfulness
Jeffrey P. Hause
The first grace
Giuseppe Butera
The social authority of Reason
Charles F. Kielkopf
Souls, ships, and substances
Christopher M. Brown
Aquinas on the function of moral virtue
From the nature of mind to personal dignity
William A. Frank
Coleridge and Newman
Bernadette Waterman Ward
Grace and the new man
Joshua W. Schulz
Rethinking Anscombe on causation
Thomas M. Osborne
The primacy of relation over substance and the recovery of a theological metaphysics
Adrian Pabst
Levinas and the Greek tradition
Ian Leask
Edmund Husserl
Nicolas de Warren
Abelard on mental language
Peter King
What are we to understand Gracia to mean?
Gregory Bassham
The arabic version of the Nicomachean ethics
Charles Burnett
In defense of praying with images
Paul Moyaert
Aristotle's syllogystic, modern deductive logic, and scientific demonstration
Edward M. Engelmann
The foundations of Christian bioethics
Bruce V. Foltz
Abelard's changing thoughts on sameness and difference in logic and theology
John Marenbon
Recent attempts to define a Dionysian political theory
Vol. 82/1
Michael Harrington
Edith Stein: a life veiled and unveiled
Joyce Avrech Berkman
Announcing the divine silence
Eric D. Perl
God and the worm
Enrica Ruaro
The nature of distance
Ben Schomakers
Ghazālī and metaphorical predication in the third discussion of the Tahāfut al-falāsifa
M. V. Dougherty
The revelation of the phenomena and the phenomenon of revelation
John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Not not
Timothy D. Knepper
The divine names in John Sarracen's translation
John D. Jones
Misrepresenting neoplatonism in contemporary Christian dionysian polemic
Wayne J. Hankey
The anonymous naming of names
Christian Schäfer
Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der Deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie
Vol. 83/1
Paul Blum
Truth in metaphysics
Vol. 83/4
Michael Robinson
Styles of thought
Vol. 83/2
James Flaherty
Is creation really good?
Ilia Delio
Recovering beauty in the subject
John D. Dadosky
Theological bioethics
The heart
Robert Wood
In the twilight of neothomism, a call for a new beginning—a return in philosophy to the idea of progress by deepening insight rather than by substitution
John Deely
Wrestling with angels
John Hughes
Thomas Aquinas, Jean-Luc Marion, and an alleged category mistake involving God and being
Declan Lawell
The twinkling of an eye
Matthew Burch
Cantor on infinity in nature, number, and the divine mind
Anne Newstead
Double-effect reasoning
Five bodies—and a sixth
Seeing double
Vol. 83/3
Eileen C Sweeney
Faith and knowledge in the religion of the renaissance
Jan-Hendryk de Boer
Redeeming truth
What was to be demonstrated
Bernard Prusak
Aristotle's gradations of being in Metaphysics e–z
Edward C. Halper
Man as a place of God
Andrew Tallon
Aquinas the augustinian
Roland J. Teske
The prisoner's philosophy
Heidegger on East-West dialogue
David Kolb
Biblical thomism and the doctrine of providence
Matthew Levering
Aquinas on friendship
Philosophical papers
John Haldane
A commentary of Gabriel Marcel's the mystery of being
Geoffrey Karabin
Peter M. Candler
Jaspers, the axial age, and Christianity
James Montmarquet
The alleged thomism of Mark Jordan
Abraham Cohen Herrera
Francesca di Poppa
The "divine" and the human person in Rosmini's thought
Juan F. Franck
Lonergan's retrieval of Thomas Aquinas's conception of the imago dei
Fred Lawrence
Descartes's language test for rationality
Marie I. George
The division of action in Thomas Aquinas
Kevin L. Flannery
Situating Heidegger
Charles Bambach
Doctrinal development and the philosophy of history
John R White
Augustinian and thomist engagements with the world
Tracey Rowland
No problem
Christopher Tollefsen
The moral permissibility of accepting bad side effects
Robert D. Anderson
Humanist and critic
Charles G. Nauert
A postmodern Aquinas
David B. Burrell
Why I am a thomist
Ralph McInerny
Political emotions
Scott Crider
Justin Skirry
Love of self and love of God in thirteenth-century ethics
Christopher J. Malloy
Michael Wiitala
Edith Stein's little-known side
Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz
The Malebranche moment
Desmond J. FitzGerald
Horizons and others
Vol. 84
Eddo Evink
Practical philosophy
Vol. 85/2
The strangeness of an unmoved mover
Vol. 85/4
John Edelman
The goodness of God and the reality of evil
John Kinsey
Aquinas on being and essence as proper objects of the intellect
Vol. 85/3
Caery Evangelist
Envy and self-worth
Timothy Perrine
Two-staged doctrines of God as first known and the transformation of the concept of reality in Bonaventure and Henry of Ghent
Vol. 85/1
Wouter Goris
Soulless organisms?
David B. Hershenov
Announcement, attestation, and equivocity
Gert-Jan van der Heiden
Good and evil actions
Romanus Cessario
Illumination and certitude
Andreas Speer
Two unsuccessful arguments for immaterialism
Peter S. Dillard
Reforging Siegfried's sword
Stephen Mulhall
Helen Tattam
"It says what it says"
Lars Hertzberg
Person and psyche
Michael J. Degnan
Bonaventure on nature before grace
Christopher M. Cullen
Personhood, potentiality, and normativity
Michael E. Gorman
Ethics of procreation and the defense of human life
Mario von der Ruhr
Perfecting human actions
Andrew Jaspers
Real essentialism
Trent Dougherty
The recalcitrant imago dei
Andrew J. Jaeger
Bonaventure's De reductione artium ad theologiam and its early reception as an inaugural sermon
Joshua C. Benson
The feminine and masculine as principles of ascent in the Itinerarium mentis in deum
Michelle Blohm
St. Bonaventure and the problem of doctrinal development
Edith Stein and medieval metaphysics
Victor M. Salas
The structural similarity between the Itinerarium mentis in deum and the collationes in hexaemeron with regard to bonaventure's doctrine of God as first known
Suzanne Metselaar
Thine own self
Joshua Miller
Beauty and the analogy of truth
D. C. Schindler
Some questions for philosophical embryology
Aquinas and Sartre
Civil obligation in bonaventure and late twentieth-century anarchists
Christopher Berry Gray
Science, theology, and monogenesis
Kenneth W. Kemp
Self-honesty and grammatical appeals
John H. Whittaker
Existential inertia and the five ways
Edward Feser
What kind of cause is music's influence on moral character?
Shane Drefcinski
The concept of mystery and the value of philosophy in the later Wittgenstein
Eric O. Springsted
Timothy B. Noone
Saint Bonaventure and angelic natural knowledge of singulars
Correspondance Jacques Maritain—Yves Simon, 1927–1940, les années françaises
Richard J. Fafara
Wittgenstein on modernism and the causal point of view
Ronald E. Hustwit
The agnostic inquirer
James D. Madden
The myth of cartesian privacy
H.O. Mounce
Christ our brother
Vol. 86/2
Wandering in darkness
Travis Dumsday
Nicholas of Cusa between the middle ages and modernity
Catalina M. Cubillos
Creation and the God of Abraham
Pretense, corruption, and character in "modern moral philosophy"
Lance Simmons
Ockham on supposition theory, mental language, and Angelic communication
Vol. 86/3
Catarina Dutilh Novaes
Ultimate normative foundations: the case for Aquinas's personalist natural law. by Rose Mary Hayden Lemmons.
Vol. 86/4
Alice Ramos
Essentially ordered series reconsidered
Gaven Kerr
Authentic civic attitude
Artur Szutta
Fr. Ernan McMullin on evolutionary biology and a theology of the human
Patrick J. McDonald
Experiences of order and reason and their modern ideological destruction in Voegelin's work
Bogdan Ivaşcu
Mind, method, and morality
Holy fear
Vol. 86/1
Rebecca Konyndyk
McMullin's augustinian settlement
Paul Allen
To what extent must we go beyond neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism?
David McPherson
Secularism and freedom of conscience
Michael Krom
Thomistic personalism
Matthew Schaeffer
Trichotomizing the standard twofold model of thomistic eudaimonism
T. J. López
Ontological reduction by logical analysis and the primitive vocabulary of mentalese
Gyula Klima
The natural desire for God and pure nature
The ratio of unity
David Svoboda
Can it be morally permissible to assert a falsehood in Service of a good cause?
Christopher Kaczor
Learning to swim with Hegel and Kierkegaard
Robert Piercey
Achieving knowledge
The problem of negligent omissions
Objectivity and the parochial
John Schwenkler
The earliest syriac translation of Aristotle's categories: text, translation, and commentary. translated by Daniel King.
LLoyd A. Newton
Thomistic perspectives?
Steven J. Jensen
A cosmopolitan hermit: modernity and tradition in the philosophy of Josef Pieper. edited by Bernard N. Schumacher.
John P. Hittinger
Ernan McMullin on anthropic reasoning in cosmology
Robert Deltete
Darwin's pious idea
Why political liberalism?: on John Rawls's political turn. by Paul Weithman
Jerome C. Foss
Homo viator: introduction to the metaphysic of hope. by Gabriel Marcel. translated by Emma Craufurd and Paul Seaton.
Moral dilemmas in medieval thought
Bonnie Kent
Transubstantiation, tropes, and truthmakers
Timothy Pawl
Augustine, Aquinas, and the absolute norm against lying
Takashi Shogimen
The dispute between McMullin and Plantinga over evolution
One book, the whole universe
W. R. Carter
Kierkegaard's comic and tragic lovers
Reasonable faith
Andrew M. Haines
William of Ockham on the freedom of the will and happiness
The prolife Leviathan
Kody W. Cooper
"The eyes of the Church"
Isabel Iribarren
Thomas Aquinas on God and evil. by Brian Davies.
Liebniz's Mill
The ethics of abortion
Heidi Giebel
The nature of love. by Dietrich von Hildebrand. translated by John F. Crosby with John Henry Crosby.
Mathew Lu, Rachel Lu
Moral psychological aspects in William of Ockham's theory of natural rights
Virpi Mäkinen
Augustine on human love for god
Kyle P. Hubbard
Evidence and religious belief
Logan Paul Gage
Anselm Of Canterbury and the desire for the word. by Eileen Sweeney
Vol. 87/3
Kevin M. Staley
Élargissement de la métaphysique. by Miklòs Vetö
Vol. 87/1
David Carr
As light belongs to air
Vol. 87/4
Andrew T. LaZella
Vol. 87/2
Aristotle's Eudemian ethics. translated with an introduction and notes by Anthony Kenny
C. J. Wolfe
The second-person perspective in Aquinas's ethics: virtues and gifts. by Andrew Pinsent
Corey Miller
John J. McDermott
Words of wisdom: a philosophical dictionary for the perennial tradition. by John W. Carlson
Reading Alasdair MacIntyre's after virtue. by Christopher Stephen Lutz
Christopher O. Blum
Rethinking virtue ethics. by Michael Winter
Jonathan J. Sanford
Reading Dewey's political philosophy through Addams's political compromises
Marilyn Fischer
The future of the university
The return of experience
Charles Royal Carlson
Aquinas on the inferiority of woman
Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo
Is the soul the form of the body?
Democracy and Dewey's notion of religious experience
Erin McKenna
The intimate strangeness of being: metaphysics after dialectic. by William Desmond
Felix Ó Murchadha
Response to William Hasker's "The dialectic of soul and body"
Pragmatism and phenomenology
Jason L. Hills
Thomism and tolerance. by John F. X. Knasas
R. Mary Hayden Lemmons
Relativism, pragmatism, and John Dewey
Stuart Rosenbaum
Evolution, poetry, and growth
Jennifer Gaffney
Where the conflict really lies: science, religion, and naturalism. by Alvin Plantinga
Dynamic transcendentals: truth, goodness, and beauty from a thomistic perspective. by Alice Ramos
John Dewey's uncommon faith
Thomas M. Alexander
The person in the Abrahamic tradition
Anselm Ramelow
Reason, tradition, and the good: MacIntyre's tradition-constituted reason and Frankfurt school critical theory. by Jeffery L. Nicholas
Joan Braune
The importance of fourteenth-century natural philosophy for Nicholas of Cusa's infinite universe
Sarah Powrie
Divine providence in Aquinas's commentaries on Aristotle's physics and metaphysics, and its relevance to the question of evolution and creation
Nicholas Kahm
Response to Robert Koons and Matthew O'Brien's "Objects of intention: a hylomorphic critique of the new natural law theory"
The distinct basic good of aesthetic experience and its political import
Michael R. Spicher
Albert the Great and "univocal analogy"
Edith Stein, Thomas Aquinas, and the principle of individuation
James B. Reichmann
"Aesthetic scaffolding"
Robert Greenleaf Brice
Examining the need to complement Karol Wojtyła's ethical personalism through an ethics of inner responses, fundamental moral attitudes, and virtues
Maria M. Wolter
Kierkegaard amidst the catholic tradition
Gregory R. Beabout
Kripke, Ross, and the immaterial aspects of thought
Affinity and reason to love
Alexander Jech
Does human nature conflict with itself?
Micah Lott
Modality and predication in Parmenides's fragment 8 and in subsequent dialectic
Scott Austin
On the meaning of sex. by J. Budziszewski
Catherine Jack Deavel
The limits of Reason in Hobbes's commonwealth. by Michael P. Krom
Die Rezeption Edith Steins: internationale Edith-stein-bibliographie 1942–2012: Festgabe für M. Amata Neyer, OCD. by Francesco Alfieri, OFM
Walter Redmond
Prudential elder care
Charles M. Zola
The dialectic of soul and body
William Hasker
On determining what there is: the identity of ontological categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe. by Paul Symington
Explaining the wrongness of cannibalism
Mathew Lu
Aristotle's concept of chance: accidents, cause, necessity, and determinism. by John Dudley
Mariusz Tabaczek
The perspective of morality revisited
Martin Rhonheimer
Response to John Haldane's "Is the soul the form of the body?"
Analogia entis: on the analogy of being, metaphysics, and the act of faith. by Steven A. Long
Haecceitas as value and as moral horizon
William Tullius
The righteous mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion. by Jonathan Haidt
Christopher Toner
Pursuits of wisdom: six ways of life in ancient philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus. by John M. Cooper
Angela Schwenkler
Beauty and being: thomistic perspectives. by Piotr Jaroszyński. translated by Hugh McDonald
Personal identity and resurrection: how do we survive our death? edited by Georg Gasser
A thomistic response to the problem of divine hiddenness
Gabriel Marcel's ethics of hope: evil, god, and virtue. by Jill Graper Hernandez
David W. Rodick
"A mysterious order of possibles"
Vol. 88/2
Olga L. Lizzini
Paradigms, traditions, and history
Vol. 88/4
John C. Caiazza
MacIntyre on the practice of philosophy and the university
Bryan R. Cross
Alasdair MacIntyre as a Marxist and as a critic of Marxism
Paul Blackledge
The eternity of the world
Jon McGinnis
History and plurality
Kelvin Knight
Beyond the naked square
Sante Maletta
The role of the concept "person" in Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics
Vol. 88/1
David Vessey
Faith order understanding: natural theology in the augustinian tradition. by Louis Mackey
Daniel B. Gallagher
How I think I learned to think theologically
Stanley Hauerwas
The dialectical status of religious discourse in Averroes and Aquinas
Ends and endings
Alasdair MacIntyre
Catholic social teaching and the firm
Geoff Moore, Ron Beadle, Anna Rowlands
Ross revisited
Socrates and the Gods: how to read Plato's Euthyphro, Apology and Crito. by Nalin Ranasinghe
Gene Fendt
Perception and the vis cogitativa
Vol. 88/3
Daniel D. De Haan
A survey of Thomas's explicit quotations of Avicenna in the Summa contra gentiles
Jules Janssens
A defense of human dignity: creating life, destroying life, and protecting the rights of conscience. by Christopher Kaczor
Francis J. Beckwith
Eternity, boredom, and one's part-whole-reality conception
William A. Lauinger
A mereological construal of the primary notions being and thing in Avicenna and Aquinas
In the self's place: the approach of saint Augustine. by Jean-Luc Marion. translated by Jeffrey L. Kosky
Joshua Nunziato
Hegel and Lonergan on God (with a nod to Kierkegaard)
Martin De Nys, J. L. Martin
The analysis of deductive validity in Martin le Maistre's Tractatus consequentiarum
Miroslav Hanke
Reading the actio of cognitional acts in Bernard J. F. Lonergan and Joseph Owens
Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer
Back to the primitive
Vorhandenheit and Heidegger's predicament over being-in-itself
Anthony D. Traylor
Orthodox readings of Aquinas. by Marcus Plested
Dylan Pahman
It doesn't concern you
Joseph E. Krylow
Albertus Magnus on creation
Steven Baldner
Lonergan's reading of Hegel
Mark D. Morelli
Epistemic authority: a theory of trust, authority, and autonomy in belief. by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski
Tomas Bogardus, Paige Massey
Reaching for a bridge between consciousness and reality
Tilo Schabert
The sublime in modern philosophy: aesthetics, ethics, and nature. by Emily Brady
Lonergan and Hegel on some aspects of knowing
Michael Baur
Postmodern apologetics: arguments for God in contemporary philosophy. by Christina M. Gschwandtner
David J. Bennett
Contemplating religious forms of life: Wittgenstein and D. Z. Phillips. by Mikel Burley
David Rozema
Sounding/silence: Martin Heidegger at the limits of poetics. by David Nowell Smith
Timothy Jussaume
Aristotle and the virtues. by Howard J. Curzer
Philosophy of mind: a comprehensive introduction. by William Jaworski
Hugh Mccann on the implications of divine sovereignty
William F. Vallicella
The voluntary and the involuntary
Roger Teichmann
Aquinas on the beginning and ending of human life. by Fabrizio Amerini. translated by Mark Henninger
Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas on natural prophecy
Luis Xavier López-Farjeat
God and moral obligation. by C. Stephen Evans
William M. Diem
Introduction: Aquinas and the arabic philosophical tradition
Richard C. Taylor
Mounier and Landsberg on the person as citizen
Dries Deweer
Catholic bioethics for a new millenium. by Anthony Fisher
The notion of being in Hegel and in Lonergan
Introducing the principles of avicennian metaphysics into sacra doctrina
R. E. Houser
Nietzsche and the drama of historiobiography. by Roberto Alejandro
Cognoscere per impressionem
Deborah Black
The thomism of Alasdair MacIntyre
Christophe Rouard
Philosophy of biology. by Peter Godfrey-Smith
Vol. 89/4
Modern challenges to past philosophy: arguments and responses. by Thomas D. Sullivan and Russell Pannier
Jorge J. E. Gracia
The analogical logic of discovery and the Aristotelian epistemic principle
Vol. 89/2
La presenza di Duns Scoto nel pensiero di Edith Stein: la questione dell"individualità. by Francesco Alfieri
Vol. 89/1
Antonio Calcagno
Spinoza on eternal life
Clare Carlisle
Aquinas and the cry of rachel: thomistic reflections on the problem of evil. by John F. X. Knasas
Michael J. Dodds
Aquinas, double-effect reasoning, and the Pauline principle
Vol. 89/3
What happened in and to moral philosophy in the twentieth century: philosophical essays in honor of Alasdair MacIntyre. edited by Fran O'Rourke
The thick-esse /thin-essence view in thomistic personalism
The problem with Aquinas's original discovery
Michael Barnwell
Reappraising the manual tradition
Brian Besong
From theology through metaphysics to logic
Ryan Thornton
Hell, the problem of evil, and the perfection of the universe
Paul A. MacDonald Jr.
Disposition and latent teleology in Descartes's philosophy
Lynda Gaudemard
One body: an essay in Christian sexual ethics. by Alexander Pruss
Anthony E. Giampietro
John Zeis
First practical and speculative principles in Thomas Aquinas
Patricia Moya Cañas, Alejandro Miranda Montecinos
Sartre: a philosophical biography. by Thomas R. Flynn
The theological implications of double effect
The justification of killing and psychological accounts of the person
Stephen Napier
Formal and material cooperation with evil
Charles F. Capps
Intention, permissibility, and the structure of agency
Joseph Boyle
Is the final chapter of the metaphysics of morals also the final chapter of the practical postulates?
Samuel Kahn
The doctrine of double effect
Neil Delaney
Hegel's introduction to the system: encyclopaedia phenomenology and psychology. by Robert E. Wood
Jeffery Kinlaw
Aquinas on demonic obstinacy
Joseph Suk-Hwan Dowd
Double effect and two hard cases in medical ethics
Living the good life: a beginner's thomistic ethics. by Steven J. Jensen
Death and other harms
Joseph Shaw
Aquinas's ontology of the material world: change, hylomorphism, and material objects. by Jeffrey E. Brower
On the manifold meaning of value according to Dietrich Von Hildebrand and the need for a logic of the concept of value
Rogelio Rovira
"Nothing rash must be said"
Hans Georg Feichtinger
How to gerrymander intention
Philip A. Reed
Mind, matter and nature: a thomistic proposal for the philosophy of mind. by James D. Madden
Charles Taliaferro
Human action in Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. by Thomas M. Osborne, Jr.
Colleen McCluskey
Choice, causality, and relation
Jean Porter
Action and character according to Aristotle: the logic of the moral life. by Kevin L. Flannery, SJ
Heidegger's eschatology. by Judith Wolfe
Gregory P Floyd
Reorientation: Leo Strauss in the 1930s. ed. Martin D. Yaffe and Richard S. Ruderman
Douglas Kries
In defense of a minimalist, agent-based principle of double effect
Lawrence Masek
Der and policy
T. A. Cavanaugh
Hegel's naturalism: mind, nature, and the final ends of life. by Terry Pinkard
Henry of Ghent's argument for divine illumination reconsidered
Patrick J. Connolly
On departing hominization
Renewal and tradition
On why and how intention matters
Understanding imagination: the reason of images. by Dennis Sepper
Eudaimonic ethics: the philosophy and psychology of living well. by Lorraine Besser-Jones
Abortion and civil disobedience
Deane-Peter Baker
Scholastic metaphysics: a contemporary introduction. by Edward Feser
Perception, sensibility, and moral motivation in Augustine: a stoic-Platonic synthesis. by Sarah Catherine Byers
Jesse Couenhoven
Unlocking divine action: contemporary science and Thomas Aquinas. by Michael J. Dodds
Philip Rolnick
Memory in Augustine's theological anthropology. by Paige E. Hochschild
Therese Scarpelli Cory
Distinguishing desire and parts of happiness
Brandon Dahm
The root of friendship: self-love and self-governance in Aquinas. by Anthony T. Flood
Paul Kucharski
Imagination and postmodernity. by Patrick L. Bourgeois
Thinking being: introduction to metaphysics in the classical tradition. by Eric D. Perl
Vol. 90/1
Trevor Anderson
Aquinas, stump, and the nature of a simple God
Vol. 90/3
The personalism of John Henry Newman. by John F. Crosby
David Deavel
Aquinas on beauty (Christopher Scott Sevier)
Vol. 90/4
Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: a study in scholasticism of the baroque era. by Daniel D. Novotný
John Kronen
A better version of Pascal's wager
Freedom and self-creation: Anselmian libertarianism (Katherin A. Rogers)
Kevin Timpe
For you alone: Emmanuel Levinas and the answerable life. by Terry A. Veling
Jennifer E. Rosato
How not to argue against materialism
Antonio Ramos Díaz
Supertranscendentality and metaphysics
Philip Neri Reese
Insight, experience, and the notion of "infused" virtue
Angela Knobel
The philosophy of saint Thomas Aquinas: a sketch. by Stephen L. Brock
Reconsidering the Donohue-Levitt hypothesis
Our search with Socrates for moral truth (Gary Michael Atkinson)
Bonaventure on the vanity of being
Perceiving other animate minds in Augustine
Chad Engelland
Mind, truth and teleology: an introduction to scholastic philosophy. by John Peterson
"Finis superabundant operis"
Maria Fedoryka
Heidegger and theology. by Judith Wolfe
Reforming the art of living. by Rico Vitz
John J. Conley
Aquinas on the relationship between the vision and delight in perfect happiness
Joseph Stenberg
Efficient causation: a history. edited by Tad M. Schmaltz
Andreea Mihali
A philosophical walking tour with C. S. Lewis: why it did not include Rome. by Stewart Goetz
Charles de Koninck and the sapiential character of natural philosophy
John G. Brungardt
To flourish or destruct: a personalist theory of human goods, motivations, failure, and evil. by Christian Smith
Michael F. Winter
Francisco Suárez on the ontological status of divine action
R. J. Matava
Is divine simplicity a mistake?
Aquinas on human self-knowledge. by Therese Scarpelli Cory
Susan Brower-Toland
Kant on religion within the boundaries of mere reason (Lawrence R. Pasternack)
Perception and objective being
Lukáš Lička
Passions and persuasion in Aristotle's rhetoric (Jamie Dow)
The problem of divine hiddenness
Aquinas on the death of Christ
Turner C. Nevitt
A system of matter fitly disposed
Han-Kyul Kim
Knowing the natural law: from precepts and inclinations to deriving oughts (Steven J. Jensen)
Raymond Hain
Divine simplicity and creation of man
Vol. 91/1
Miguel Brugarolas
Traversing forgiveness
Jonathan R. Heaps
Politics as secondary belonging
James Greenaway
Authenticity as self-transcendence: the enduring insights of Bernard Lonergan. by Michael H. McCarthy
R. J. Snell
Feeling and its theological relevance in the formation of the human person according to Edith Stein
Vol. 91/2
Anneliese Meis
Before virtue: assessing contemporary virtue ethics. by Jonathan J. Sanford
Søren Kierkegaard: subjectivity, irony, and the crisis of modernity. by Jon Stewart
Jack Mulder
Contemplation, intellectus, and simplex intuitus in Aquinas
Rik Van Nieuwenhove
Finding collective sin and recompense in Anselm's cur deus homo
Vol. 91/3
Joshua C. Thurow
Philippa foot's so-called Achilles' heel
Jessy Jordan
Socratic agapē without irony in the Euthydemus
Don Adams
Aquinas on the nature of the human soul
Jennifer Soerensen
Scotus and God's arbitrary will
Tully Borland, T. Allan Hillman
The everlasting check: Hume on miracles. by Alexander George
Ryan Cobb
The divine energies and the "end of human life"
Rico Vitz, Marissa Espinoza
Analogia entis: metaphyiscs: original structure and universal rhythm. by Erich Przywara
Philip Gonzales
Socrates among strangers. by Joseph P. Lawrence
Structure and the metaphysics of mind: how hylomorphism solves the mind-body problem. by William Jaworski
Kelly Gallagher
In defense of conciliar Christology: a philosophical essay. by Timothy Pawl
Kenneth Boyce
The Cambridge Descartes lexicon. edited by Lawrence Nolan
Taking Pascal's wager: faith, evidence and the abundant life. by Michael Rota
Robert C. Koons
The myth of liberalism. by John P. Safranek
Peter J. Younger
Beyond non-being
Matthew K. Minerd
Aquinas on will, happiness, and God
Daniel Shields
Cultivating virtue: perspectives from philosophy, theology, and psychology. edited by Nancy E. Snow
Is a thomistic theory of intentionality consistent with physicalism?
Art via theology
Sixto Castro
Knowing as being?
Political perfectionism and the moral acceptability of pure paternalism
Adam D. Bailey
Essentially ordered series reconsidered once again
The believing scientist: essays on science and religion. by Stephen M. Barr
Vol. 92/4
Karen R. Zwier
Gestation does not necessarily imply parenthood
Vol. 92/1
Melissa Moschella
Defending Adam after Darwin
Vol. 92/2
Nicanor Pier Giorgio
Are names said of God and creatures univocally?
Brian Davies
Divine causality and human free choice: Domingo Banez, physical premotion and the controversy de auxiliis revisited. by Robert Joseph Matava
Introduction to the cepos discussion
Peter Distelzweig, Karen R. Zwier
Response to Richard Cross on "are names said of God and creatures univocally?"
Matter in biology
Anne Siebels Peterson
The mathematization of physics and the neo-thomism of Duhem and Maritain
Stephen M. Barr
Become what you receive
Vol. 92/3
Zachary Mabee
Lonergan, science, and God
Justice as a virtue: a thomistic perspective. by Jean Porter
Sense and reference of a believer
Meghan D. Page
Dietrich von Hildebrand's moral epistemology
Martin Cajthaml
An Aristotelian feminism. by Sarah Borden Sharkey
Wagering on an ironic god: Pascal on faith and philosophy. by Thomas S. Hibbs
Virgil Nemoianu
Aquinas on the metaphysics of the hypostatic union. by Michael Gorman
Gabriel Marcel and American philosophy: the religious dimension of experience. by David Rodick
Aquinas's original discovery
Introduction: special issue on religious epistemology
Evidence-seeking as an expression of faith
Katherine Dormandy
The morally difficult notion of Heaven
Amir Saemi
The concept of woman. volume iii: the search for communion of persons, 1500–2015. by sr. Prudence Alle
Sarah Borden Sharkey, Sarah Borden
The intolerable god: Kant's theological journey. by Christopher J. Insole
Gritty faith
Jonathan Matheson
Crossing the rubicon: the borderlands of philosophy and theology. by Emmanuel Falque. translated by Reuben Shank
On sale, securities, and insurance. by Leonardus Lessius. translated by Wim Decock and Nicholas de Sutter
Gaston G. LeNotre
Ahistoricity in analytic theology
Beau Branson
Hylomorphic escalation
The rigor of things: conversations with Dan Arbib. by Jean-Luc Marion and Dan Arbib. translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner
Mark K. Spencer
The transcendentals and the divine names in Thomas Aquinas
Brian T. Carl
Everything in motion is put in motion by another
Thomas Aquinas on war and peace. by Gregory Reichberg
Testimonial trustworthiness
Matthew Kent Siebert
The perspective of faith
Blake McAllister
The storage problem revisited
David S. Oderberg
Faith and reason in the Oxford university sermons
Joe Milburn
Aquinas on God-sanctioned stealing
Matthew Shea
Hume on laws and miracles
Nathan Rockwood
The principles of distinction in material substances in the philosophy of st. Thomas and st. Albert
Thomas DePauw
Reframing Aquinas on art and morality
Daniel J. Simpson
Shared intention and cooperation with evil
Richard Cross
Are you what you eat or something more?
Ambrose Little
Richard Cross's response to Brian Davies
St. Thomas, teaching, and the intellectual virtue of art
Vol. 93/1
Randall G. Colton
Francesco Piccolomini's Christian-neoplatonic reading of Aristotle's theory of friendship
Vol. 93/3
Guy Guldentops
Complexity without composition
Vol. 93/4
Jeff Steele, Thomas Williams
Anscombe on how st. Peter intentionally did what he intended not to do
Graham Hubbs
The internal unity of natural kinds
Augustine and Kierkegaard. edited by John Doody, Kim Paffenroth, and Helene Tallon Russell
The analogy of being in the scotist tradition
Garrett R. Smith
Descartes on the highest good
Frans Svensson
The root of sin is still undiscovered
Readings of Plato's apology of Socrates: defending the philosophical life. edited by Vivil Valvik Haralden, Olof Pettersson, and Oda E. Wiese Tvedt
Marxism, ethics and politics: the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. by John Gregson
John Macias
Desiring the good: ancient proposals and contemporary theory. by Katja Maria Vogt
Maximus the confessor as a European philosopher. edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, and Sebastian Lalla
Dimitrios A. Vasilakis
The quality of life: Aristotle revised. by Richard Kraut
Vol. 93/2
Petr Dvořák, Jacob Schmutz
Plato on the value of philosophy: the art of argument in the gorgias and phaedrus. by Tushar Irani
F. Scott, Scott Crider
Vásquez's Anselmian response to Wycliffian deterministic arguments
Petr Dvořák
Necessary existence. by Alexander R. Pruss and Joshua L. Rasmussen
Kenneth L. Pearce
The intimate universal: the hidden porosity among relgion, art, philosophy, and politics. by William Desmond
Theology as wisdom
Tomáš Machula
Early modern scotists and eudaimonism
Sydney Penner
Leo Strauss and his catholic Readers. edited by Geoffrey M. Vaughan
Paul Seaton
Leibniz on God and religion: a Reader. by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. translated and edited by Lloyd Strickland
Thomas Feeney
How pure a potency?
Lukáš Novák
A most mitigated friar
Thomas M. Ward
Atheism and agnosticism. by Graham Oppy
Glenn B. Siniscalchi
Scholastic social epistemology in the baroque era
Rudolf Schuessler
Thomism and the formal object of logic
Metaphysica valeriani magni
Tomáš Nejeschleba
A jesuit debate about the modes of union
Jean-Pascal Anfray
Creation as efficient causation in Aquinas
Julie Loveland Swanstrom
What do God and creatures really do in an evolutionary change?
The knowledge of God's quid sit in Dominican theology
Igor Agostini
Suárez on creation and intrinsic change
Jacob Tuttle
Against the permissibility of attempted wife-poisoning
Craig M. White
The protestant and the pelagian
Julie Walsh, Eric Stencil
Anglo-American and European personalism
Juan Manuel Burgos
Edith Stein and the ethics of renewal
Friendship versus the normativity of truth
Joseph Gamache
Aristotle on the proper attitude toward true divinity
Vol. 94/2
Mor Segev
The medieval reception of Aristotle's passage on natural justice
José A. Poblete
Thomas Aquinas on natural inclinations and the practical cognition of human goods
Justin Matchulat
Preface to special issue
Vol. 94/1
Willing evil
Henrik Lagerlund
Is there a punishment for violating the natural law?
Scott J. Roniger
What Newman can give Catholic philosophers today
The concept of Christian philosophy in Edith Stein
Robert McNamara
Sin: a thomistic psychology. by Steven J. Jensen
European sources of human dignity: a commented anthology. by Mette Lebech
Catholic theology after Kierkegaard. by Joshua Furnal
John Betz
"Real" and "notional" in Newman's thought
Keith Beaumont
Aesthetic rationality
The heart in Newman's thought
Newman's skeptical paradox
St. John Henry Newman, Cardinal Matthew of Aquasparta, and bl. John Duns Scotus on knowledge, assent, faith, and non-evident truths
Towards a broader construal of evidence
Frederick D. Aquino
Newman's argument from conscience