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(1991) Debates on the future of communism, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

Charter 77 and other independent movements

Jan Kavan

pp. 116-128

Several months ago I read a long article in the New York Times on Czechoslovakia. It painted a picture of a contented population which has accepted the status quo and enjoys its cars, TV sets and country cottages. The only discordant voice among this seemingly satisfied mass of consumerism was that of the dissidents in Charter 77. [As events have evolved in Czechoslovakia, and the revolution swept away the communist regime, the Charter became the backbone of Civic Forum, the country's most popular political force. Therefore, this essay has enduring historical significance. (Eds)]

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-349-11783-3_15

Full citation:

Kavan, J. (1991)., Charter 77 and other independent movements, in V. Tismaneanu & J. Shapiro (eds.), Debates on the future of communism, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 116-128.

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