Physica, Heidelberg


378 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7908-2480-3

Capitalism and democracy in the 21st century

proceedings of the international Joseph A. Schumpeter society conference, Vienna 1998 "capitalism and socialism in the 21st century"

Edited by

Dennis C. Mueller , Uwe Cantner

The collected papers in this volume are all concerned either in a direct sense or in a more wider perspective with the work of Joseph A. Schumpeter. Looking at Schumpeter's work, his lasting influence on important areas of research can be identified. One of these areas is obviously Schumpeter's idea about the future capitalism, a second one the issue of innovation and its consequences for economic development. A third area is concerned with the political process and the role ofpolitical leadership. The collection of this volume is developed along these main lines, complemented by papers discussing the place of Schumpeter's work within the history of economic analysis.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-11287-8

Full citation:

Mueller, D. C. , Cantner, U. (eds) (2001). Capitalism and democracy in the 21st century: proceedings of the international Joseph A. Schumpeter society conference, Vienna 1998 "capitalism and socialism in the 21st century", Physica, Heidelberg.

Table of Contents

Democracy and capitalism

Bernholz Peter


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Capitalism and democracy in the 21st century

Audretsch David B.; Thurik A. Roy


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Capitalism and democracy in the 21st century

Mair Douglas; Laramie Anthony J.


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A spectre is haunting the world

Kingston William


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Reflections on the perspectives of the global economy from the point of view of emerging economies

Falcão Silva Maria Luiza; de Andrade Joaquim Pinto; Torrance Thomas S.


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Uncertainty and the size distribution of rewards from innovation

Scherer F. M.; Harhoff Dietmar; Kukies Jörg


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Convergences with Schumpeter

Wynarczyk Peter


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Schumpeter and the "schmollerprogramm"

Ebner Alexander


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