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Imagination as the productive faculty for "creating another nature…"

Milton C. Nahm

pp. 442-450

In the section (§ 49) of the Critique of Judgment which he entitles The faculties of the mind which constitute genius", Kant writes that "The Imagination (as a productive faculty) is very powerful in creating another nature, as it were, out of the material that actual nature gives it." What the Productive Imagination creates, he adds, 'surpasses nature."

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-3099-1_43

Full citation:

Nahm, M. C. (1972)., Imagination as the productive faculty for "creating another nature…", in L. White Beck (ed.), Proceedings of the Third international Kant congress, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 442-450.

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