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(1995) Transformation in the writing, Dordrecht, Springer.

"Authenticity in Loma and of "Loma"

Kurt Wolff

pp. 29-43

I mean to tell the story, or chronicle, of my relation to "Loma," wondering whether the phenomenon or the problem of "authenticity" comes up or, perhaps by another name, has come up in thinking about "Loma" or during one of my stays there or in the various drafts of my study of "Loma." As the label of my effort suggests, I expect a difference — always provided that "authenticity" figures at all in the recollections I shall try to convey — between my "authenticity" while in Loma (or in my relations with certain Lomans even when not there) and the authenticity of "Loma," that is, of reporting, in its various phases, on me-and-Loma.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-8412-8_3

Full citation:

Wolff, K. (1995). "Authenticity in Loma and of "Loma", in Transformation in the writing, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 29-43.

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