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(1990) Charles Hartshorne's concept of God, Dordrecht, Springer.

Hartshorne's concept of God examined in the light of phenomenology and buddhism

Hiroshi Endo

pp. 137-152

In this paper the phenomenological movement from Husserl to Levinas and the development of process philosophy from Whitehead to Hartshorne are comparatively studied. The aspects to be compared are: first, how universals are dealt with in both fields; secondly and mainly, in what modes the opposition between interiority and exteriority presents itself in the development of both trends. The essentials of Hartshorne's concept of God will come to the fore all the more clearly against the background of such a comparison.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-1014-5_9

Full citation:

Endo, H. (1990)., Hartshorne's concept of God examined in the light of phenomenology and buddhism, in S. Sia (ed.), Charles Hartshorne's concept of God, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 137-152.

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