Sven Ove Hansson

, 2016, Theory contraction and base contraction unified, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 219-245.

, 2013, 'Maximal and perimaximal contraction', Synthese 190 (16), 3325-3348.

with Doorn, N. , 2011, 'Should probabilistic design replace safety factors?', Philosophy & Technology 24 (2), 151-168.

, 2011a, 'Coping with the unpredictable effects of future technologies', Philosophy & Technology 24 (2), 137-149.

, 2011b, 'Radiation protection—sorting out the arguments', Philosophy & Technology 24 (3), 363-368.

, 2010, 'Multiple and iterated contraction reduced to single-step single-sentence contraction', Synthese 173 (2), 153-177.

, 2009a, 'From the casino to the jungle', Synthese 168 (3), 423-432.

, 2009b, 'Preference-based choice functions: a generalized approach', Synthese 171 (2), 257-269.

, 2006, 'Category-specified value statements', Synthese 148 (2), 425-432.

with Peterson, M. , 2005, 'Order-independent transformative decision rules', Synthese 147 (2), 323-342.

, 2004, Belief revision from an epistemological point of view, in I. Niiniluoto, M. Sintonen & J. Woleński (eds.), Handbook of epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 255-279.

with Helgesson, G. , 2003, 'What is stability?', Synthese 136 (2), 219-235.

, 1996, 'Decision theoretic foundations for axioms of rational preference', Synthese 109 (3), 401-412.

, 1992, 'In defense of base contraction', Synthese 91 (3), 239-245.

, 1989a, 'A note on the deontic system DL of Jones and Pörn', Synthese 80 (3), 427-428.