Johan van Benthem

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. , 2016a, Introduction, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 737-739.

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. , 2016b, Introduction, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 189-193.

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. , 2016c, Introduction, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 351-355.

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. , 2016d, Introduction, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 523-525.

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. , 2016e, Introduction, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 15-19.

with Arló-Costa, H. , Hendricks, V. F. (eds) , 2016, Readings in formal epistemology: sourcebook, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Hendricks, V. F. , Symons, J. (eds) , 2013, Synthese 190 (4).

, 2012, 'The logic of empirical theories revisited', Synthese 186 (3), 775-792.

with Smets, S. , 2012, 'New logical perspectives on physics', Synthese 186 (3), 615-617.

with Smets, S. (eds) , 2012, Synthese 186 (3).

with Kuipers, T. A. , Visser, H. , 2011, 'Introduction', Synthese 179 (2), 203-206.

with Kuipers, T. A. , Visser, H. (eds) , 2011, Synthese 179 (2).

with Ågotnes, T. , Pacuit, E. , 2009, 'Logic and intelligent interaction', Synthese 169 (2), 219-221.

, 2009, 'The information in intuitionistic logic', Synthese 167 (2), 251-270.

with Ågotnes, T. , Pacuit, E. (eds) , 2009, Synthese 169 (2).

, 2008, 'The many faces of interpolation', Synthese 164 (3), 451-460.

with Ghosh, S. , Liu, F. , 2008, 'Modelling simultaneous games in dynamic logic', Synthese 165 (2), 247-268.

with Hendricks, V. F. , Symons, J. , 2008, 'Editorial', Synthese 160 (1), 1-4.

with Hendricks, V. F. , Symons, J. , 2007, 'Editorial', Synthese 154 (1), 1-3.

, 2006, Open problems in logical dynamics, in D. M. Gabbay, S. Goncharov & M. Zakharyaschev (eds.), Mathematical problems from applied logic I, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 137-192.

with Hendricks, V. F. , Symons, J. , 2006, 'Editorial', Synthese 148 (1), 1-3.

, 2004, Probabilistic features in logic games, in J. Symons & D. Kolak (eds.), Quantifiers, questions and quantum physics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 189-194.

with Liu, F. , 2004, 'Diversity of logical agents in games', Philosophia Scientiae 8 (2), 163-178.

, 1988, The Lambek calculus, in R. T. Oehrle, E. Bach & D. Wheeler (eds.), Categorial grammars and natural language structures, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 35-68.

, 1987a, Categorial grammar and lambda calculus, in D. G. Skordev (ed.), Mathematical logic and its applications, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 39-60.

, 1987b, 'Meaning: interpretation and inference', Synthese 73 (3), 451-470.