with Thellefsen, T. , ales, 'What brand associations are', Sign systems studies 43 (2-3), 191-206.
with Thellefsen, T. , 2014, 'The reception of Charles s. Peirce in denmark', European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1), n/a.
with Thellefsen, T. , Thellefsen, M. , 2011, 'The significance-effect is a communicational effect: introducing the dynacom', Sign systems studies 39 (1), 209-222.
with Thellefsen, T. , 2009a, 'Pragmatic semeiotic and knowledge management: introducing the knowledge profile as a pragmatic tool for knowledge managing the meaning of scientific concepts', The American Journal of Semiotics 25 (1-2), 103-122.