David Wang

with Joplin, A. , 2009, 'The design substrate: The phenomenological unity enabling Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences', Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 20 (1), 10-15.

with Wagner, S. , 2007, 'A map of phenomenology for the design disciplines', Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 18 (3), 10-15.

, 2004, '"Cezanne's doubt" and the phenomenological core: Thoughts on the production of art', Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 15 (1), 10-15.

with Keen, J. , 2001a, 'Intentionality and the production of architectural design(s): An application of section 37 of Husserl's Ideas', Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 12 (3), 12-15.