, 2005, Bizet's Carmen, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The enigma of good and evil, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 563-564.
, 2002, Les passions de l'âme et l'ontopoiesie de la vie, in A. Tymieniecka (éd), Life - energies, forces and the shaping of life, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 27-40.
, 2000a, Chinese gardens: The relation of man to nature in seventeenth-century French culture, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The origins of life II, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 287-322.
, 2000b, Introduction, in M. Kronegger (ed.), The orchestration of the arts — a creative symbiosis of existential powers, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 1-2.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. , 2000, Toward the aesthetics of enchantment, in M. Kronegger & A. Tymieniecka (eds.), The aesthetics of enchantment in the fine arts, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. ix-x.
(ed) , 2000, The orchestration of the arts — a creative symbiosis of existential powers: The vibrating interplay of sound, color, image, gesture, movement, rhythm, fragrance, word, touch, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) , 2000a, The aesthetics of enchantment in the fine arts, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
, 1999, Poetic inspiration and the renewal of life: le songe de vaux, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Life — the outburst of life in the human sphere, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 169-200.
, 1998a, Nights calls for dawn: J. M. G. Le Clézio and Michel Rio, in M. Kronegger & A. Tymieniecka (eds.), Life, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 267-271.
, 1998b, The creative source: Rodin, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology of life and the human creative condition, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 281-302.
, 1998c, The feast of life, joy and love: The laughter and smile of the soul, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Enjoyment, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 3-31.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) , 1998, Life: Differentiation and harmony... vegetal, animal, human, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
, 1997, Racine's "berenice": Profane and sacred spaces and places, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Passion for place Book II, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 57-70.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) , 1996, Life: the human quest for an ideal, Springer, Dordrecht.
, 1995, From profane space to the sacred place or center in désert by Le Clézio: The experience of seeing, hearing, perceiving, breathing rather than thinking space and place, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The elemental passion for place in the ontopoiesis of life, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 121-133.
, 1994a, A.-T. Tymieniecka's challenges: From a spiritual wasteland to transcendence, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), From the sacred to the divine, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 83-87.
, 1994b, Allegorical journeys toward the wholeness and unity of the sea: Marguerite Yourcenar, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Allegory revisited, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 3-15.
, 1994c, Allegorical voyages: louis XIII and the sacred, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), From the sacred to the divine, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 127-148.
, 1994d, Allegory and maxim: Power and faith, passions and virtues, in A. Tymieniecka & M. Kronegger (eds.), Allegory old and new, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 3-27.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) , 1994, Allegory old and new: In literature, the fine arts, music and theatre, and its continuity in culture, Springer, Dordrecht.
, 1992, Reason and laughter: JeAnne d'Arc au bûcher and La danse des morts, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The elemental dialectic of light and darkness, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 351-361.
, 1991a, 'Inscriptions: between phenomenology and structuralism', The American Journal of Semiotics 8 (1-2), 169-171.
, 1991b, Tymieniecka's vindication of the life significance of literature, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), New queries in aesthetics and metaphysics, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 195-212.
(ed) , 1991, Phenomenology and aesthetics: Approaches to comparative literature and the other arts, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
, 1990, 'Heidegger's being and time: a reading for readers', The American Journal of Semiotics 7 (3), 113-116.
, 1989, Phenomenological approaches to the creative orchestration of literature and aesthetics, in E. F. Kaelin & C. Schrag (eds.), American phenomenology, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 421-423.
, 1988a, "Poetics at the creative crucibles" offering new guidelines for literary interpretation, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Poetics of the elements in the human condition II, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 3-5.
, 1988b, From fire to fireworks in baroque poetry, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Poetics of the elements in the human condition II, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 259-279.
, 1988c, The tempestuous conflict of the elements in baroque poetry and painting, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Poetics of the elements in the human condition II, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 73-88.
, 1985, Mirror reflections: The poetics of water in French baroque poetry, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), Poetics of the elements in the human condition: the sea, Dordrecht, Reidel, pp. 245-260.
, 1984a, Literary impressionism and phenomenology: Affinities and contrasts, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The existential coordinates of the human condition, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 521-533.
, 1984b, The birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music: Claudel, Milhaud and the Oresteia, in A. Tymieniecka (ed.), The existential coordinates of the human condition, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 273-293.
, 1983a, Representation and subjectivity in modern literature, in J. Deely & M. D. Lenhart (eds.), Semiotics 1981, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 231-237.